Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 26 Jan 2001 05:14:00 -0800 (PST)

Remember our discussion yesterday?

---------------------- Forwarded by Jens Gobel/EU/Enron on 26/01/2001 19:18

Enron North America Corp.

From: Alex Heath @ ECT 26/01/2001 12:30

To: Enron Metal & Commodity - UK traders, Enron Metal &Commodity - Global
Traders, Enron Metals Global a/es, Enron Metals lme Dealers, Enron Metals


Enron Metals Weekly Review

Good evening ...one and all . It hardly seems possible that we are another
week on already such has been the pace of activity here . The ebb and flow
in the Ali market both in the spreads and outright price have kept our
valiant dealers on their toes as seemingly the whole market vies to avail
itself of our pricing and liquidity services on-line ! . Daily volumes
have continued to grow with over 800 separate transactions being seen
today! . In fact volumes have risen by approximately 56% since December
from a daily average of 357 to a daily average of 557 for January .At the
same time the regular Non-EOL transaction count has decreased from about 1800
trades a day to 1586 trades since December. Your efforts at getting the
registered customers who had not completed an on line trade are beginning
to pay dividends finally - but the migration remains painfully slow . Keep
plugging away

The graph above illustrates the growth of our average daily online
transaction volumes in relation to our regular transaction volume on a
monthly basis from July of 99 to date .

This week's daily transaction volume is another record and but for the
blip on Monday which put down to the Mother's day in Africa holiday would
have been sensational .

We have asked for your response to several queries over the past three weeks
and have received little or no reaction. Consequently we shall ask again.

Currently at the top of the list: if each of you could create a list of
Metals Conferences you believe would be beneficial for Enron metals to
attend, speak at and/ or have metals or EnronOnline presence, it would be
greatly appreciated. This is a multi faceted sales and marketing tool for
your benefit . Aside from the overall goal of creating a unified metals
marketing plan, we are also trying to prepare a budget to assure that proper
attention and funds are given Enron metals Global exposure in 2001 .
Therefore, if we do not receive your recommendations well in advance we
will not be in a position to sponsor them . We have created a conference
listing which will be circulated next week . Please add to it if we have
missed any off . and mark onto our list those you think should have our
attention .

For those of you that missed it last week, we have attached another copy of
the Account Application Form. The completion of this form for BOTH
traditional and online customers will speed your client's access to trading
with Enron Metals.

The lack of contributions for this review from any of you is rather
disappointing . We will continue to offer you items that you may find of use
. However the purpose of this review is also to incorporate content from
around the network of our global field offices. I know you are all very
busy making money for the cause . This medium is a useful platform to get
your message over .

For those of you not on the circulation lists see the attached reports

The Metals Crammer report

The daily Options report

Whilst not exactly a feature we thought it might be a useful exercise in
client relationship damage limitation to explain what happens when a
customer finds he cannot trade on line .This has begun to occur more
regularly as our volumes and activity increase.

Customers are allocated a credit line for EOL within the system based upon
their agreements. This limit is set daily as a default against the
clients name . basis the AS400 's net valuation of the client's position .
The amount of available variation credit on the client's account on EOL
is set as his limit f or the next days trading . If the client should
trigger this limit during the next day's trading the system will reject the
trade and lock out the customer . Not very user friendly as the customer is
not told why . London credit (Hamish's team) get a red flag , as of course
do the traders running the stack managers as they see the trade rejected.
The problem now becomes one of frustration for the customer as the system
will not allow him to liquidate his position either in part or whole .He will
have to pick the phone to do this . Secondly the resetting of any limit in
the system takes 48hrs . This is being worked on but we must remember
that Metals are the only futures products on the system and the other OTC
products on the system are dealt with differently . It also serves to
highlight that clients with small credit lines in the 1 to 200,000 dollar
range are not really suited to use EOL . Security such as g/tees and cash
are taken into account but can be missed ,but forward profits are as it is
net availability that is used on the AS400. This will all improve with the
introduction of a new bridge between the Enron risk system and the AS400
in the very near future .

In the meantime it will be up to you to keep the peace and explain to your
clients . Get them to keep within their limits . Call them quickly when they
get locked out.

Remember, we are here to help your efforts and help create positive
communication lines between our offices world-wide. So, send us your
thoughts, questions, concerns, local area market news etc. We will look
forward to hearing from you.


Alex and Molly

Alex Heath Molly Hellerman
alex.heath@enron.com molly.hellerman@enron.com
+44 207 783 2071 +44 207 783 5198