Enron Mail

To:joe.gold@enron.com, richard.lewis@enron.com, john.nowlan@enron.com,thor.lien@enron.com
Subject:Fundamental operating standards
Cc:john.sherriff@enron.com, fernley.dyson@enron.com, steve.young@enron.com,sally.beck@enron.com, brent.price@enron.com
Bcc:john.sherriff@enron.com, fernley.dyson@enron.com, steve.young@enron.com,sally.beck@enron.com, brent.price@enron.com
Date:Fri, 30 Jun 2000 11:03:00 -0700 (PDT)

I attach below a one page summary of control standards which are believed to
be fundamental. This summary, produced as a result of the Doorstep review,
could be a 'yardstick' to benchmark our businesses - ie an aid to
communication between Commercial, Commercial Support and RAC re the level of
Operating Risk within each business and the region as a whole. Consequently
it would be complimentary to the BRM process.

I hope to complete an efficient/judgemental assessment internally for all
businesses in conjunction with RAC and present the findings to yourselves (
and /or your desk managers ) within the next week/10 days. The aim would also
be to establish that the currrent action plans for Systems Development and
Support resource allocation is appropriate. The assessment would be based on
a traffic light scale ie

Green inherent risk less processes/controls gives a residual operational risk
which is accpetable
Amber - watch out - residual operational risk is high and/or control trend
is decreasing
Red - stop now we have problem ( Helsinki equivalent ! )

Upon completion of the assessment I will book some time in your diaries

