Enron Mail

To:jeffrey.shankman@enron.com, greg.whalley@enron.com, brent.price@enron.com
Subject:Global Markets Limits
Cc:david.port@enron.com, bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com,wes.colwell@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com
Bcc:david.port@enron.com, bjorn.hagelmann@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com,wes.colwell@enron.com, ted.murphy@enron.com
Date:Tue, 13 Feb 2001 08:54:00 -0800 (PST)

The Enron BOD approved the following limit changes for Global Markets today=
effective for trading day Tuesday, February 13, 2001. A separate e-mail wa=
sent to each of your head traders and business unit controllers/CAO for eac=
of these commodity groups with limit changes.

New Limits Existing Limits
Equity Trading
Net Open Position Limit $200 MM $100 MM=20
Maturity / Gap Limit N/A N/A
VaR Limit $10 MM $6 MM=20

Convertible Arbitrage
Net Open Position Limit $150 MM *****
Maturity / Gap Limit N/A *****
VaR Limit $2 MM *****

***** This product was included in the Debt trading commodity group that w=
transferred to Enron Europe and combined with Credit trading in December=20
2000; new limits requested to establish separate commodity group in Global=
Markets in 2001

Financial Instruments

Foreign Currency:

Net Open Position Limit $150 MM $100 MM
Maturity / Gap Limit N/A N/A

Interest Rate:

Net Open Position Limit $250,000/bp $100,000/bp
Maturity / Gap Limit N/A $ 50,000/bp(<=3D2 yrs)

VaR Limit $5 MM (Combined) $3 MM (Combined)

Soft Commodities
Net Open Position Limit 4,000 Contracts 2,000 Contracts
Maturity / Gap Limit N/A 2,000 Contracts
VaR Limit $2 MM $0.75 MM

Net Open Position Limit 750 Contracts 1,000 Contracts
Maturity / Gap Limit N/A 1,000 Contracts
VaR Limit $0.5 MM $0.5 MM

Meats (formerly called Livestock)
Net Open Position Limit 750 Contracts 1,000 Contracts
Maturity / Gap Limit N/A 1,000 Contracts
VaR Limit $0.5 MM $0.75 MM

Weather Derivatives
Net Open Position Limit 40,000 EOL Equiv. Contracts 30,000 EOL Equiv.=20
Contracts **
Maturity / Gap Limit N/A N/A
VaR Limit $4.5 MM $3 MM

** $100 MM notional value

Coal and Freight
Net Open Position Limit 30 MM MT 15 MM MT
Maturity / Gap Limit 30MM MT 12-month 15 MM MT 12-month
VaR Limit $7 MM *** $4 MM ***

*** Freight limited to $2 MM VaR (no change)

Global Products
Net Open Position Limit 18 MM Bbl 12.5 MM Bbl
Maturity / Gap Limit 19 MM Bbl 12-month 15 MM Bbl
VaR Limit $15 MM $8 MM

EOL Crude - Sub-limit of Global Products
Net Open Position Limit 2 MM Bbl =20
Maturity / Gap Limit 3 MM Bbl 12-month=20
VaR Limit $3 MM (included in Global Products $15MM VaR)=20

Net Open Position Limit 9 Bcf None
Maturity / Gap Limit 12 Bcf 12-month None
VaR Limit $5 MM None

Note 1: The BOD directed us to combine some limits for some businesses, so=
your individual commodity limits may become sub-limits subject to a larger=
combined limit (for example, 1) combine equity, convertible arbitrage, and=
financial instruments' i/r and f/x, 2) combine Softs, Grains, and Meats, an=
potentially other newer businesses as well). We will work with you as thes=
higher level limits are being developed.

Note 2: Cross-commodity trading authority was not pre-approved for anyone =
the company. Authority to trade a commodity for which you are not the=20
authorized trader must be obtained from the Business Unit Office of the=20
Chairman for the commodity group that is authorized to trade that commodity=
with appropriate reporting as noted below.

Policy amendments were as follows:

u Clarify the cross-commodity trading policy to specify that trading limits=
are to be applied against Enron=01,s consolidated commodity positions on an=
individual commodity group basis; Enron=01,s consolidated Daily Position R=
should provide required market risk disclosures by primary commodity group;=
(for example, Enron=01,s exposure to the North American Natural Gas market =
be aggregated across the company).

=01) Delegate cross-commodity trading approval among established commodity=
groups to the respective Business Units Offices of the Chairman, with=20
appropriate reporting to the Enron Corp. Chief Risk Officer.

u Specify the operational control requirement that all trades executed over=
the telephone must be recorded electronically.

Below are relevant excerpts from the revised policy addressing the=20
cross-commodity trading guidelines. I will distribute the entire updated=
policy as soon as we incorporate the BOD's comments.

V. Operations and Controls.
B. Position Reporting.
"...For purposes of limit monitoring and aggregation of Enron=01,s consolid=
trading results, Enron=01,s consolidated Daily Position Report should inclu=
the Net Open Position, Maturity/Gap Position, profit or loss, and potential=
exposure (VaR) for approved Commodity Groups consolidated across the compan=
without regard to which business unit undertook the trading activity. In=20
those instances where limits are granted to a business unit for a basket of=
commodities, reporting for individual commodity risk books shall be=20
maintained to facilitate aggregation of Enron=01,s actual consolidated comm=
specific exposure. Management reporting may separately provide business un=
sub-limit monitoring and trading results aggregated according to management=

E. Transaction Approval and Execution. "Only those employees designated by=
the Enron Corp. Chief Risk Officer or his designee(s) will be authorized to=
enter into Transactions on behalf of Enron. The Chief Risk Officer must al=
maintain a record of those employees responsible for the individual Commodi=
Groups (Commodity Group Manager) as specified in the Appendices. Individua=
will be assigned as commodity leaders to manage Enron=01,s aggregate positi=
across the company as determined necessary by the Chief Risk Officer..."

VI. Policy Amendment Authority
B. Cross-Commodity Position Authorization. If in the ordinary course of it=
business an Enron Business Unit or trading desk incurs an exposure to an=20
underlying commodity or financial instrument for which it does not have=20
explicit authority to carry, this exposure should be hedged internally with=
the appropriate Enron desk(s), with appropriate notification to the Chief=
Risk Officer or his designee(s). Hedge positions should be in instruments=
that have an observable correlation with the underlying exposure, and shoul=
be rebalanced regularly to substantially neutralize the underlying exposure=
. =20

Upon notification to the Chief Risk Officer or his designee(s), the Enron=
Business Unit Office of the Chairman who has authority for that commodity=
group may authorize a specific trader in a different commodity group to tak=
speculative positions with other Enron trading desks in commodities and/or=
financial instruments other than those which that trader has explicit=20
authority to trade (i.e. the Business Unit Office of the Chairman for North=
American Natural Gas may authorize a trader in the Coal group to trade gas=
with the North American Natural Gas desk). For limit monitoring purposes=
of Enron=01,s consolidated trading results, these cross-commodity positions=
shall be captured by individual commodity to facilitate aggregation and=20
reporting of Enron=01,s consolidated exposure by commodity in the Daily Pos=
Report (Coal desk=01,s gas position will be aggregated with the North Ameri=
Natural Gas commodity group.)

If you have any questions, feel free to call Bjorn Hagelman at x57984, me a=
x30429, or David Port at x39823.


Cassandra Schultz.