Enron Mail

Subject:Preliminary Request List
Date:Fri, 1 Sep 2000 01:27:00 -0700 (PDT)

We would like to discuss this list with you in the meeting this morning with
Jeff. Thanks.

---------------------- Forwarded by Jodi Coulter/HOU/ECT on 09/01/2000 08:25
AM ---------------------------

<Scott.Musch@chase.com< on 08/30/2000 07:02:56 PM
To: jodi.coulter@enron.com, andy.west@enron.com
cc: Slava.Brin@chase.com

Subject: Preliminary Request List

Attached is an information request list from Apollo. I'll call you tomorrow
morning to discuss. Thanks.

---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Musch/CHASE on 08/30/2000 08:03 PM

"M. Ali Rashid" <Rashid@nyc.apollolp.com< on 08/30/2000 05:49:35 PM

To: Scott Musch/CHASE@CHASE
cc: "Marc Becker" <Becker@nyc.apollolp.com<
Subject: Preliminary Request List


Attached, please find a preliminary due diligence request list. If you
could pass this along to the relevant parties at Enron and Net Works, it
would be much appreciated. The attached memo should explain the scope and
purpose of our request.

-Marc & Ali

- Memo_Due Diligence_Prelim..doc