Enron Mail

To:rick.buy@enron.com, richard.causey@enron.com
Subject:R-squared World Tour
Date:Fri, 11 Feb 2000 03:57:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear R2:?I would like you to consider the following in determining the appr=
opriate ?course of action in your mission to ensure that all our offices ha=
ve process, ?procedures and policies to adequately support the business act=
ivities:?? I believe that your going on a series of trips is precisely the=
wrong ?approach and not only do I think it will be relatively unproductive=
(as ?compared to your tremendous productivity at home base) but I honestly=
believe ?it will be counterproductive. Here's why:?? 1) While you guys a=
re on a plane or in a remote office, you will be less ?in touch and availab=
le to make decisions at home? 2) When you are preparing to go and de-comp=
ressing from having been, you ?will be distracted, tired and attempting to =
catch up to all your other ?duties.? 3) There are only two of you and=
many of them.? 4) Please don't take this the wrong way, but I question w=
hether you even ?are the best qualified from a skill perspective (Kevin Swe=
eney, Vlady ?Gorny, John Vickers, et al might be the best to dig into t=
he details)? 5) When you guys are the face, it means the rest of us are n=
ot. This ?means that our presence and authority, which will be required on=
? an on-going basis in order for this to have lasting effect, will be ?=
completely undermined. Senior people need to know that if a ? Sweeney,=
Murphy, Hardy, etc walks into their office and finds something ?not right=
, that it will be communicated up the line with reprecussions. ?If you=
were to investigate anonomously, I believe that a universal theme is ?that=
stuff gets pointed out and nothing ever gets changed. It puts those ?=
in the position of knowing on the defensive and sounding shrill.??My sugges=
tions is that you stay home. Sally, AA myself and others should ?develop a=
template for consistent analysis of the offices and a plan to ?maintain an=
on-going pressure and results. Part of that plan would be a ?requirement =
to report to you guys the findings and recommendations in a ?concise way w=
ith you following up to the heads of those offices about what, ?if anything=
, needs to change as quickly as possible after the review. ??The most im=
portant things you can do will be to pave the way for our ?departure, be av=
ailable to assimilate the findings and be prepared to ?follow-up. Everyone=
already knows that they need to respect your wishes. ?They need to know (=
as do we) that we have your support and you will respect ?and act on our re=
commendations. ??Thank you for indulging me. I am afraid that I am correc=