Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Jordan's comments on Doorstep meeting
Date:Thu, 9 Nov 2000 10:19:00 -0800 (PST)

I couldn't agree with you more. Mike missed the point of our phone call this
week. It was not to discuss the fine points of doorstep process or
etiquette! The point was ownership of an integration process and deadlines
that were missed. And how telling that when asked bluntly about his comfort
level with controls for US operations that Mike's response was a deferral to
Marcelo. I have a one-hour conference call set up with Mike tomorrow. This
is one of the things that we will discuss. --Sally
---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 11/09/2000 05:56 PM

From: Cassandra Schultz @ ENRON
11/09/2000 02:50 PM

To: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: Jordan's comments on Doorstep meeting

From Ted...
---------------------- Forwarded by Cassandra Schultz/NA/Enron on 11/09/2000
02:47 PM ---------------------------

From: Ted Murphy @ ECT
11/09/2000 05:52 AM

To: Cassandra Schultz/NA/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Re: Doorstep meeting

I think Michael's issue is just one for you and Shona to worry about and try
to simultaneously come up with a way to diffuse without bastardizing the
process. . I continue to say the we need to maintain the theme that speed
and "gut reaction" is preferable to consensus and prosecutable evidence, I
feel so strongly about this that I would consider removing my team from
involvement if politically correct, grammatically sound and properly
researched reports that do not say anything or are stale or are full of
ambiguity are the end result (see the internal audit report on
!!!). I think the solution is make it clear that these reports are not to
be used for prosecution but frank discussion.
I am right about this.
Please forward this to Shona/Sally/Mike or anyone else at your discretion
(this is a compromise between Evil Ted and Zen Ted)
