Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Revised Operating Standards
Date:Wed, 28 Jun 2000 08:10:00 -0700 (PDT)

More detail than you probably want on the document I gave you at the
Doubletree.... Mike was responding to an email that Steve Young had sent
him. Just wanted you to know that this is moving forward and that I will
coordinate the Houston side of this for now (I will coordinate London going
forward if that responsibility is given to me). Let me know if you have

---------------------- Forwarded by Brent A Price/HOU/ECT on 06/28/2000 03:01
PM ---------------------------

Mike Jordan
06/28/2000 07:26 PM
To: Steve W Young/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Tim
Davies/LON/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Fernley
Subject: Re: Revised Operating Standards


My assessment of the next steps are as follows :-

We finalise the intial draft of the one page summary - Action Mike/Brent to
consolidate feedback to date - to be delivered tomorrow
The one pager to be sent to all business heads commenting on John's belief (
which I think we all share ) that the Business unit head has ultimate
responsibility to ensure operating standards are met and that we aim to
provide them with a joint summary of 'status' from Commercial Support and
RAC. This summary could be reviewed by AA, but I believe the process would be
more beneficial if it is
a self assessment process
escalates judgement on material issues
capable of being monitored and repeated on an agreed frequency
complimentary to the BRM process
The timeline for thie intial feedback could be within one week - I have an
assessment from David Port to match to ours already!

As to your other questions

I will be adding two additional detail points within the required structure
definition - ie the structure must have :-

Full functionality and interfaces for market risk, credit risk and Corporate
reporting, and/or a systems roadmap for that development
Appropriate involvement in business for specialist services ( Legal, Tax and
HR )

The Operating Standards MUST only cover one page to retain the ease of
communication for them - the above definitions identify that businesses must
consider all Legal and RAC issues - and there will significant detail
involved in that - which will be defined elsewhere ( see David's separate
comments on risk reporting )

In summary I think it is best to move to publish the intial draft to
stimulate communication - would welcome your thoughts


- some changes -awaiting possible additions from Brent - if none - to be
published tomorrow

Steve W Young
27/06/2000 20:03
To: Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Tim
Davies/LON/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Fernley

Subject: Re: Revised Operating Standards


Is this the most current version of the proposed Operating Standards? Since
I've been out of the office since we last discussed, I wanted to get an
update on the status. A couple of questions:

What are the next steps?
How will this be communicated and to whom?
How do you see this being implemented to best assure it is respected?
Legal Standards are absent? I suspect this is still in draft form and they
are to follow in the next version; however, let me know how you see legal
Standards playing into this as I believe they should be on this list as well.

As discussed, I strongly believe that a brief and clear list of "absolutes"
similar to the attachment will be most useful if first agreed by all that
need to be involved and then effectively communicated and respected by all in
EEL. Let me know if this list is now considered representative of the views
of all that need to have input. I suggest we meet again with a broader group
to assure this list is complete and to discuss next steps. I have some
suggested adjustments but will get back to you by end of week with comments
or questions from RAC after we discuss this in our weekly RAC manager's



Brent A Price
15/06/2000 13:28
To: Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Steve W Young/LON/ECT@ECT

Subject: Revised Operating Standards