Enron Mail

To:brent.price@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com
Subject:Update - ENA Confirmation Delivery System
Date:Thu, 13 Jul 2000 09:12:00 -0700 (PDT)

could have a large impact, will keep you posted
---------------------- Forwarded by Jefferson D Sorenson/HOU/ECT on
07/13/2000 04:11 PM ---------------------------

Bob Bowen
07/13/2000 03:11 PM
To: Jefferson D Sorenson/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Kim S Theriot/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Update - ENA Confirmation Delivery System

We may finally have some good news for a change. Mark Taylor with ENA Legal
said yesterday
that the law signed by President Clinton in June regarding electronic
signatures should allow us to
eliminate confirmations for Enron OnLine transactions. The law, in short,
gives electronic signatures
the legal weight of paper signatures and goes into effect October 1, 2000.

Until we receive final approval, we will have to simply hope and pray that
this becomes reality. However,
even if this becomes reality, we will continue to have Counterparties that
will require confirmations such
as the public utilities.

I will keep you updated.