Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Pam Carter
Date:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 08:13:27 -0800 (PST)

I've already forwarded for approval so that we can act as needed. Once I have prelim. approval I'll forward it to you for further consideration.
-----Original Message-----
From: Apollo, Beth
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 9:49 AM
To: McLoughlin, Hector
Cc: Beck, Sally
Subject: FW: Pam Carter

Hector -- we need to try to contact this person and bring her back ---- there is no one here who knows how to do these things

Many of them will be in the ongoing company.

Who's approval do I need to get this done?
[Apollo, Beth]

here is a list of things Pam would be able to do if we could bring her back. A number (Almost all) of these items are not being done.


1. Generated third party monthly accruals for accounting
2. Trued up prior period accruals against actual invoices
3. Monthly/Quarterly/Annually Department of Energy Reporting (DOE)
4. Quarterly/Annually Federal Energy Regulation Commission Reporting (FERC)
5. Monthly Green Power reporting for California Energy commission (Enron Wind)
6. Manual Downloads of customer usage/metered via CSC via utilities.
7. Monthly California Settlement
8. Monthly Ohio Settlement- First Energy
9. Monthly EMPI settlement (Or New Wholesale Trading Partner)
10. Prepare Consumption band calculations to be put on customer invoices
11. Prepare third party billing
12. Spreadsheets
a. Comparing metered vs. scheduled
b. Original scheduled vs. final scheduled
c. EPMI purchases/sales vs. EES scheduled.
d. Comparing ancillary service charges to traders original deal

Please let me know what we can workout.

Thanks - MO