Enron Mail

To:louis.soldano@enron.com, john.shafer@enron.com, william.kendrick@enron.com,david.roensch@enron.com, rich.jolly@enron.com, randy.rice@enron.com
Subject:RE: status, PCB pipeline modeling study
Date:Mon, 14 May 2001 03:25:00 -0700 (PDT)

Louie, after the presentation MIchael gave, there were some issues about the
data and predictions ie., like how much solvent do we really need to clean
the pipeline and the injection intervals and locations, but not whether the
solvent or technology would or would not work. The data did show that
terpenoline does remove PCB's from pipeline. But because Penn State was so
deeply involved in the modeling study, and we were still under the PG&E
thumb, it appeared to be in the best interest of TW to see it to the end.
There wasnt anyone who had any better suggestions or ideas. The thought was
that because of the amount of $$$$$$ we had previously spent, not to see it
through would have meant 0 return for the money we had invested. And if
it works, the money would have been wisely used.

The real truth of course is when we do a trial run. I signed a six month
extension to the contract for Penn State (I sent out a memo on this) but not
for additional $$$$$$. They needed the extra time to complete the modeling
study and data evaluation. Last summer/fall, Tiny had been overseeing the
operational side of this (ie terpenoline storage locations and coordinating
injection points and the pigging activities). When the decision is made to
begin the injections and pigging, Tiny will be ready and waiting......

From: Louis Soldano/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/11/2001 05:31 PM CDT
To: Larry Campbell/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject: RE: status, PCB pipeline modeling study

didn't we kind of shut michael down???

-----Original Message-----
From: Campbell, Larry
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 10:44 AM
To: Michael@pnge.psu.edu
Cc: Shafer, John; Kendrick, William; Jolly, Rich; Rice, Randy; Roensch,
David; Soldano, Louis; Terraso, Michael
Subject: status, PCB pipeline modeling study

Michael, I know its been some time since we communicated, but how is the PCB
pipeline modeling efforts going? I would appreciate a summary from you
identifying recent discoveries and a general update on the project.

Have you thawed out from the Pennsylvania winter?