Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Penn State meetings
Cc:rich.jolly@enron.com, william.kendrick@enron.com, david.roensch@enron.com,michael.terraso@enron.com, louis.soldano@enron.com
Bcc:rich.jolly@enron.com, william.kendrick@enron.com, david.roensch@enron.com,michael.terraso@enron.com, louis.soldano@enron.com
Date:Mon, 6 Mar 2000 01:07:00 -0800 (PST)

Michael, our liquids data collections have been pretty lean. Its only been
in the last couple of months where we have actually collected any arsenic
data. I will send to you what data have have with respect to arsenic,
including some historic reserch in the Abo field of southeast New Mexico
where the arsenic is generated from down hole. The source is not so much
from what is coming out of the wells (catalyst towers were installed in the
late 80's to trap the arsenic) as the residual which has collected in the
pipeline prior to the installation of the catalyst towers.......

"Michael Adewumi" <michael@pnge.psu.edu< on 02/23/2000 07:37:44 AM
To: <lsoldano@enron.com<, <droensc@enron.com<, "Michael Terraso (E-mail)"
<Michael_Terraso@enron.com<, <larry.campbell@enron.com<,
<echanley@enron.com<, <ebenson@enron.com<

Subject: Penn State meetings


We should be concluding discssions today with regard to the contracting and
scope of work issues for our project with Penn State. A number of data
needs have been identified. Please review available information for the

Larry - Information related to arsenic - analytical/source informaition.
Last three months of analytical on liquids from the pipeline. We probably
ought to pull together the liquids information from late 1998 to present.
Sampling and lab protocols. Any Liquids composition analysis.

Earl - Station Three and Four Schematics, Alignment sheets (focus on Section
4 so we do not overwhelm the Professor's team). Gas composition analysis
(primarily Needles).

Eric - please forward this to Ben Asante, Terry Gallassini, Frank Osborne
and cc: Mike Nelson and Rich Jolly. Remind me to contact Neta on billing
information/format to send to the Professor's team .

Ben and Terry - what modeling information/software can we share with Penn

Frank - Mike left you a message about contacting the Professor's team on the
method by which we can transfer materials electronically rather than killing
an entire forest for the paper copies. This is an enginerring facility so
they likely have similar capablities to us.

We will follow up when we return.

Louie S. and David R.

The Professor's phone number is :

Michael A. Adewumi,
Professor of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering,
Department of Energy & GeoEnvironmental Engineering,
The Pennsylvania State University,
202 Hosler Bldg.,
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-2816
(814) 863-1875 (FAX)