Enron Mail

To:handley.george@enron.com, wicker.kevin@enron.com, vanemburgh.kevin@enron.com,vogel.david@enron.com, machart.andy@enron.com, haverland.chris@enron.com, hess.jim@enron.com, hoppe.michael@enron.com, mike.carson@enron.com, conard.kevin@enron.com, besch.
Subject:Fwd: FW: George Bush's speech
Date:Tue, 25 Sep 2001 07:09:26 -0700 (PDT)

--- "Mairet, James" <James.Mairet@bdhhi.com< wrote:
< From: "Mairet, James" <James.Mairet@bdhhi.com<
< To: "Alison Mairet (E-mail)"
< <Alison.Mairet@hstna.com<,
< "Andrew Mason (E-mail)"
< <masonandrew@worldnet.att.com<,
< "Brady Brook (E-mail)" <brady@birdsalldesign.com<,
< "Brett Johnson (E-mail)" <brett@icecorp.com<,
< "Chris Kalberg (E-mail)"
< <chriskal@hotmail.com<, "Dave Kemp (E-mail)"
< <davekemp@planetkc.com<,
< "Doug Kohlhase (E-mail)"
< <Doug.Kohlhase@mail.Sprint.com<,
< "Jeff Smith (E-mail)" <JSmith@BPB-Celotex.com<,
< "Jene Hynek (E-mail)"
< <jenehynek@msn.com<, "John Foust (E-mail)"
< <sales@sandyindustries.net<,
< "Kirk Reimer (E-mail)" <kreimer@kc.rr.com<, "Matt
< Besch (E-mail)"
< <m_besch@yahoo.com<, "Mom and Dad (E-mail)"
< <a-d-roam@juno.com<,
< "Todd Jobgen (E-mail)" <Todd_Jobgen@admworld.com<,
< "Tom O'Malley (E-mail)" <locks2@birch.net<, "Travis
< Grunewald (E-mail 2)"
< <tgrune01@sprintspectrum.com<
< Subject: FW: George Bush's speech
< Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:18:33 -0700
< < -----Original Message-----
< < From: Johnson, Brett [SMTP:Brett@IceCorp.com]
< < Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 4:09 PM
< < To: Gary Spencer (E-mail); Patrick. Beatty
< (E-mail); Tom Ruff (E-mail);
< < John Haggart (E-mail); John Matthews (Provident)
< (E-mail); Rob Allen
< < (E-mail); Keating, Ed; Greg Laddish (E-mail); Bob
< Noller (E-mail); Rex
< < Vanier (E-mail)
< < Subject: George Bush's speech
< <
< < " If I were President George W. Bush's Speech
< Writer. "
< <
< <
< < Good evening my fellow Americans. First, I want to
< pass on my condolences
< < to the people of New York and all Americans that
< are hurting in this
< < tragic time. You can rest assured that anything
< and everything that can be
< < done to assure the safety of our country will be
< done. This is the
< < greatest
< < country in the world and we will get through this
< trying time. Now is the
< < time for all people to set aside our petty
< differences and show the world
< < that no one or nothing can destroy the fortitude
< of the American people.
< < To the people responsible for today's tragedy, I
< say this: Are you
< < fucking kidding me? Are the turbans on your heads
< wrapped too tight? Have
< < you gone too long without a bath? Do you not know
< who you are fucking
< < with?
< < Americans are so hungry to kill, that we shoot at
< each other every
< < day.
< <
< < We will relish that opportunity for new targets
< for our aggression.
< < Have you forgotten history? What happened to the
< last people that
< < started fucking around with us? Remember the
< little yellow bastards over
< < in
< < Japan? We slapped them all over the Pacific and
< roasted about 2 million of
< < them in their own back yard. That's what we in
< America call a big ass
< < barbecue. Ever seen Texas on a map? Ever wonder
< why it's so big? Because
< < we
< < wanted it that way. Mexico started jacking around
< with the Alamo and now
< < they
< < cut our lawns. England? We sent them packing.
< < Ask your buddy Saddam about fucking with the good
< 'ole USA. The only
< < reason he got away the first time is because it's
< too hard to shoot
< < someone
< < when you're doubled over laughing at them. Our
< soldiers aren't trained to
< < laugh and shoot at the same time. Now he couldn't
< stop a pack of cub
< < scouts from taking over his shitty little country.
< < Trust us, Afghanistan will end up a giant kitty
< litter box. Go ahead
< < and try to hide, Bin Laden. There's not a hole
< deep enough or a mountain
< < high enough that's going to keep your camel riding
< asses safe. We will
< < bomb every inch of the country that harbors him,
< his camps and any place
< < thatlooks and even smells like he was there. Hell,
< we might even drop a
< < few bombs on people that have pissed us off in the
< past. This is
< < America. We kick ass. This is what we do. Go ahead
< and laugh now, but the
< < Tomahawks are coming and very soon we will smoke
< your sorry asses.
< <
< < God bless America!

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