Enron Mail

To:amosher@appanet.org, doornbos@socrates.berkeley.edu, jeff.dasovich@enron.com,lfried@uclink.berkeley.edu, hcameron@uclink.berkeley.edu, whederman@columbiaenergygroup.com
Subject:GSPP Electricity Policy Summit meeting minutes
Date:Wed, 23 Aug 2000 00:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

Coordinating committee,
Here are my notes from the meeting. The address list above is the current
so we can continue by e-mail by replying to this group until people are ready
for another call. I don't think the Dean needs to hear all of the back and
forth. Lee Friedman has kindly agreed to advise and participate.

Open questions:
-do we want to join with the business school for this event?
-should we push the date back?
-what is your top 5 list of speakers?
-any comments on what we agreed on or revisions to the minutes?

This is really moving! Thanks everyone.
Rob <<Electricity policy summit minutes 082200.doc<<

Rob Gramlich
PJM Market Monitoring Unit
(610) 666-4291

- Electricity policy summit minutes 082200.doc