Enron Mail

To:ken.choyce@enron.com, dian.chu@enron.com, frank.cernosek@enron.com,paula.harris@enron.com, larry.hunter@enron.com, lisa.king@enron.com, binh.pham@enron.com, hang.bui@enron.com, jessica.wentworth@enron.com, janie.aguayo@enron.com, rita.anderson@enron.c
Subject:CATS Time Entry Training Material Development
Date:Thu, 22 Jun 2000 03:41:00 -0700 (PDT)

If you have access to LEAP there is now a class available to learn to enter
your time via the eHRonline. See details below.
---------------------- Forwarded by Cynthia Morrow/Corp/Enron on 06/22/2000
11:23 AM ---------------------------

Andrew Lawrence
06/16/2000 09:54 PM
To: Enron Apollo & Beyond X Key Site Contacts
cc: James Purcell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mai Le/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lucy

Subject: Status Report: CATS Time Entry Training Material Development

Status Update: CATS Time Entry Training Material Development


Please be advised that the following LEAP course is now available in the LEAP
production environment and can be accessed by all existing LEAP users:

Course Name: HR eHRonline CATS Time Entry
Lesson: Employee Time Entry
Lesson: Non-Employee Contractor Time Entry

Each lesson details the required steps for time entry and time correction.