Enron Mail

Subject:Holiday Schedule for 2001
Date:Thu, 10 Feb 2000 10:03:00 -0800 (PST)

Beginning in 2001, Enron will include Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as one of=
our 11 official holidays for U.S. employees. Martin Luther King, Jr. is on=
of our nation's most remarkable heroes, and we want to honor his tremendous=
contributions to our history by observing his holiday.

Next year, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day falls on Monday, January 15. See th=
holiday schedule below for a list of other holidays that Enron will observe=
in 2001.

2001 Holiday Schedule

Monday=09January 1=09New Year=01,s Day
Monday=09January 15=09Martin Luther King Day
Monday=09February 19=09President=01,s Day
Monday=09May 28=09Memorial Day
Wednesday=09July 4=09Independence Day
Monday=09September 3=09Labor Day
Thursday=09November 22=09Thanksgiving Day
Friday=09November 23=09Thanksgiving Observance
Monday=09December 24=09Christmas Observance
Tuesday=09December 25=09Christmas Day
Discretionary Day=09=09

Days designated Observance are floating holidays set by Enron for the year.
A Discretionary Day may be taken as a holiday on any work day with the=20
supervisor=01,s prior approval. When used, it must be designated on payrol=
records for that pay period; depending on the State where employed, an unus=
discretionary holiday may be forfeited at year end. For more information=
especially concerning holiday pay for employees who work other than the=20
standard, 8-hour, 5-day work week=01*please refer to HR policy #12 (Work Ho=
Holidays, Vacation) or contact your HR representative.