Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 26 Dec 2000 03:34:00 -0800 (PST)

Good Morning Dana,

Needless to say, I wasn't here on that Thursday when you were trying to
contact me. I do hope that things worked out with them getting in touch
with each other. That day was a very busy day to say the least, but now
it's back to reality.

But for future references, if I can not be reached here at work or home and
there's a need to contact the Pastor, I can be paged 2 ways. A text message
can be sent by email stating your case with a very brief message and the
address you would need to use would be 7136066605@MOBCOMINET.

If you need to page me with just a phone number, I can be reached at
713-606-6605. So next time, please feel free to use the information listed
above. Be blessed on today and Happy Holiday's to you and yours.

---------------------- Forwarded by Edith L. Kelly/SS/HouInd on 12/26/2000
11:05 AM ---------------------------

Dana.Davis@enron.com on 12/14/2000 11:14:22 AM

To: edith-kelly@reliantenergy.com


Edith- can you help Kevin get in touch with Pastor; he really needs to
speak with him. Kevin's cell phone # is 713 320-6483.

Thanks for your help. I'll email you when I get back from lunch. My # is
713 853-7520.