Enron Mail

Subject:All PIP Items --Email 1 of 4
Cc:danielle_b_trettin@reliantenergy.com, erankin@txu.com, jneeley@tnpe.com
Bcc:danielle_b_trettin@reliantenergy.com, erankin@txu.com, jneeley@tnpe.com
Date:Sun, 3 Dec 2000 12:41:00 -0800 (PST)

Please find attached the PIP master list and the first set of PIP documents
for your review prior to the RUG meeting. As requested, the PIP master list
identifies items which are believe to require input and/or vote from RUG.

The PIP items that I currently have as requiring as RUG vote (based on the
notes) are as follows:

108 --sub QSE (payment process, invoicing, and liability) --proposal by C.
200 and 104 --LSE/QSE Load Ration (at the QSE or LSE level) --proposal by B.
146 --Notifications vs. posting of Loss Factors
187 --TX SET Concurrent Processing approach --proposal by B. White
204 --EPS Meter Data Transmittal --proposal by J. Cohea

PIP item 112 (BUL) will be delivered tomorrow, as there is still some
follow-up regarding the formula. When it is completed, it will be sent out
to this exploder.

If there is a PIP item missing from this grouping, please check the master
list, as it may have been resolved or merged with another item during the
PIP process.

Best regards,
Vikki Gates
Structure Consulting Group
cell: 512.350.4020
@ERCOT: 512.248.3884

- PIP100_130.zip
- PIP_Master_List.xls