Enron Mail

To:max.yzaguirre@enron.com, marc.sabine@enron.com, steve.irvin@enron.com,jaime.alatorre@enron.com, jaime.williams@enron.com
Subject:Monterrey Project -- Closing
Date:Mon, 1 Jan 2001 10:53:00 -0800 (PST)

Guys, great job on this one.....

2001 - should be a big year for Mexico:
a) equity sell down of the Monterrey project;
b) close and further sell down of the Tex Mex project; and
c) 20% growth on risk mgt volumes and income from 2000 levels.

Thanks for the great work.

---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 01/01/2001
06:42 PM ---------------------------

Max Yzaguirre@ENRON
12/30/2000 03:04 PM
To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Monterrey Project -- Closing


Attached FYI is the official word from the Lenders' counsel regarding our
financial closing.

Have a great New Year.

Best regards - Max

----- Forwarded by Max Yzaguirre/NA/Enron on 12/30/2000 03:03 PM -----

"Edwards, Robert" <REdwards@hunton.com<
12/29/2000 04:42 PM

To: "'Kerrigan, Brian'" <brian.kerrigan@enron.com<, "'Irvin, Steven'"
<sirvin@enron.com<, "'Marc.Sabine@enron.com'" <Marc.Sabine@enron.com<,
"'Garberding, Michael'" <michael.garberding@enron.com<, "'Banczak, Peggy'"
<peggy.banczak@enron.com<, "'Robert Stephens'" <rstephens@bracepatt.com<,
"'Nancy Jo Nelson'" <nnelson@bracepatt.com<, "'Eyvette Lopez'"
<elopez@bracepatt.com<, "'De Castro, Denis Roberto'" <DENISDC@iadb.org<,
"'Giovannelli, Giovanni'" <GIOVANNIG@iadb.org<,
"'jeffrey.wood@us.socgen.com'" <jeffrey.wood@us.socgen.com<,
<pierre-antoine.barreault@us.socgen.com<, "'Weizman, Leif'" <LEIFW@iadb.org<,
"'Robert.LASKY@us.socgen.com'" <Robert.LASKY@us.socgen.com<,
"'richard.l.buckwalter@db.com'" <richard.l.buckwalter@db.com<,
"'robert.f.frier@db.com'" <robert.f.frier@db.com<, "'janet.robinson@db.com'"
<janet.robinson@db.com<, "Buonanno, Joseph" <jbuonanno@hunton.com<,
"'gmunozre@banamex.com'" <gmunozre@banamex.com<, "'Michell Nader S.'"
<maq@jnnr.com.mx<, "'LABASTIDA M. Jorge A.'" <JLM@jnnr.com.mx<, "'DELGADO M.
Octavio'" <ODM@jnnr.com.mx<, "'max.yzaguirre@enron.com'"
<max.yzaguirre@enron.com<, "'Filippi, Robert'" <ROBERTFI@iadb.org<,
"'kevinc@iadb.org'" <kevinc@iadb.org<
cc: "Hugues-Velez, Margarita" <MHugues-Velez@hunton.com<, "Peterson, Bruce"
<BPeterson@hunton.com<, "Butler, Ellis" <EButler@hunton.com<, "Murray,
Andrew" <AMurray@hunton.com<, "Thomas, Amy" <AThomas@hunton.com<, "Davis,
William" <WDavis@hunton.com<, "Wood, Russell" <RWood@hunton.com<
Subject: Monterrey Project -- Closing

Enron has provided confirmation of the payments made to the Onshore and
Offshore Construction Contractors. Signature pages in respect of the
documents to be executed for this Closing have been exchanged and released.

I am pleased to report that the Monterrey Project has achieved a successful
Closing on December 29, 2000.

Happy New Year!!!!

Rob Edwards