Enron Mail

Subject:Moore Power Plant
Date:Fri, 26 May 2000 13:48:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dick , I appreciate the effort on the Moore project - I would hope that there
is more than a $2m saving in the scope. This plant is still showing $460 to
$470/Kw given current economics. I am still puzzled by this.

---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 05/26/2000
08:46 PM ---------------------------
From: Eric LeDain on 05/25/2000 06:33 PM MDT
To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Kyle Kitagawa/CAL/ECT@ECT
Subject: Moore Power Plant

Re schedule:
1. We are proceeding with the kick-off of the permit amendment, and will be
using a combination of both the MCN and Calumet N2 unit data. Per my phone
message, it will take about a week or two to prepare the amendment at a cost
up to $10,000 US, and then eight weeks to get the amendment. We should be
able to commence site work without the amendment, to the point of completing
foundations, based on previous discussions with the Municipality, County and
Ontario Ministry of Envir..
Even though this work is not in our $35 MM US original DASH budget, we are
planning to proceed with this unless you've got a problem with it.
2. NEPCO have preliminarily re-worked the schedule now on the N1
disassembly, move and install, and the N2 installation. They believe they
need to get on site by the third week in June to begin site clearing in order
to initiate foundation work by mid July. Between June 15 and July 15 they
would do the foundation design - this should be on the generous side given
that we had done some foundation design last fall, and with MCN at least have
some of the N2 foundation work already done by ABB.
Whether it's June 21 or 30 to start the site clearing, the schedule is
getting tight.

Re capital cost estimate:
3. NEPCO is able to complete the revised capital cost estimate on the N1/N2
case by June 9th at the latest (they're looking at moving it up to the 5th or
6th if they work the weekend). They have a problem at the moment as they are
moving offices over this weekend and will lose about 4 days. They will have
a revised estimate on the N1 case by the end of next week - it looks today
like the cost savings for no acceleration and winter work and being able to
barge the units versus railing them, will all be worth at least $2 MM US.
I'm assuming we would take the capital costs estimate into our DASH as soon
as the estimate is ready and go for approval, so that we can meet schedule -
I'm not sure where you stand on the "roll-up" approval on Moore, Pastoria and
Las Vegas if the latter two don't go into Genco.
Meanwhile, progress through RAC on the DASH continues.

Re N2 units:
4. We continue to sort out whether the Calumet units might work from a noise
and water perspective. We still haven't seen the MCN/Columbus counter on the
other units but they claim it's coming.