Enron Mail

Subject:On-sight Power Generation Reclamation Business Plan
Date:Fri, 25 Aug 2000 10:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

Ben, any thoughts?
---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 08/25/2000=
05:36 PM ---------------------------
=09Enron North America Corp.
=09From: Sherri Sera @ ENRON 08/15/2000 08:36 AM

To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: =20
Subject: On-sight Power Generation Reclamation Business Plan

Any interest in pursuing? Please advise. Thanks, SRS
---------------------- Forwarded by Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron on 08/15/2000=20
08:28 AM ---------------------------

"BRION R MARTIN" <BRION.MARTIN@prodigy.net< on 08/15/2000 06:35:34 AM
To: <jeff.skilling@enron.com<
cc: =20

Subject: On-sight Power Generation Reclamation Business Plan

I recently read articles about Enron Corporation in Fortune magazine and=
Business Week, and was encouraged by your success in building a flexible a=
innovative workforce. I admire this type of approach from a leader of a=20
large, multi-national company.=20

Based on Enron=01,s initiatives to market and sell wholesale electricity, a=
nd =20
the recent power shortages across various regions of the country, I was =20
motivated to develop a business opportunity utilizing my experience and =20
knowledge of the on-site power generation market. I realized that an=20
unregulated utility company could take advantage of existing, unused=20
stand-by generator capacity.

My plan sells the excess capacity of these generators in the spot energy =
market, when the on-site generators are commanded to power customer base=20
loads, thereby freeing up an equivalent amount of energy. My plan requires=
minimal capital investment, produces a sales volume of $2.0M, and a net=20
profit of $400,000.00 in year one. The attached business plan and three-ye=
pro forma P & L statement provide further details.

I strongly believe this idea can and will provide a solid return on =20
investment. My goal is to heighten your interest enough to warrant further =
discussion on the possibility of Enron integrating this business plan into=
its existing network of marketing, trading and selling electricity.

I chose to market this plan to Enron due to its leadership in the=20
deregulated electricity market, and its corporate culture of innovation an=
swift action. Enron also has the name recognition, resources and national=
presence required to make this plan successful.

I look forward to hearing from you on the merit of my business plan, and th=
e =20
feasibility of integrating it into your company.

Thank you for your time.

Brion R. Martin


Home: 609-953-1668

Mobile: 215-778-7084

- Pro Forma P & L.xls
- Business Plan Presentation.ppt