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Subject:Enerfax Daily's free web version of gas & power prices and info Go
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Enerfax Daily


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Enerfax Daily? -? Page ? -? November 27, 2000



Enerfax Daily? -? Page 4? -? November 27, 2000 -? ? Past Issues
Available on Sagewave



Consultant Says Mexico to Pay Billions for Natural Gas

? ? Mexico, over the next decade, will likely need to spend $40.6 Billion
to import natural gas, given Pemex's failure to conduct adequate capital
investment, consultants Consultores Internacionales have said in a report.
The estimate assumes an average price for natural gas of $4.50 per MMBtu
over the period. In a more conservative scenario, with the average price of
natural gas at $3.50 per MMBtu, the country over the next 10 years would
need to spend $31.6 billion dollars on natural gas imports, according to
the report. Under both scenarios, estimates expect that Mexico will need to
import 24.7 Bcf of natural gas during the coming decade.


Natural? Gas? Storage? Report


? ? ? ? ? ? Week? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Prev?
? ? ? ? ? ?Ending? ? Prev? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Prev? ? Year? ?
| Region | 11/17/00| Week | Diff | % Full | Year | % Full
| Prod? ?|? ?664? ?|? 688 | -24? |? 70%? ?|? 843 |? 89%? ?
| East? ?|? 1643? ?| 1682 | -39? |? 90%? ?| 1711 |? 94%? ?
| West? ?|? ?341? ?|? 372 | -31? |? 67%? ?|? 442 |? 87%? ?
|? ? ? ? |? ? ? ? ?|? ? ? |? ? ? |? ? ? ? |? ? ? |? ? ? ?
| Total? |? 2648? ?| 2742 | -94? |? 80%? ?| 2996 |? 91%? ?




Enerfax Daily? -? Page 7? -? November 27, 2000



September Canadian Natural Gas Sales

Natural gas sales totaled 4.22 billion cubic meters in September, up 10.2%
over September 1999. The increase was the result of increased demand by the
industrial and residential sectors. Use by the industrial sector rose 11.7%,
amid higher use of natural gas for electricity generation and stronger
demand by the chemical industry. Year-to-date sales were up 7.1% over the
same period in 1999. Industrial sector sales continued to grow strongly,
posting an 11.1% increase. Consumption by the residential sector increased
1%, while the commercial sector decreased 1.1%.



Financial Summary


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