Enron Mail

To:mgeorge@deloitte.ca, kdorland@titanelectric.com, bgabrielson@cdnam.com,rkenned@rbcds.com, mjmcdermott@hotmail.com, dan.dorland@enron.com
Subject:[Fwd: I am American]
Date:Mon, 17 Jul 2000 05:17:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Dorland/CAL/ECT on 07/17/2000 12:14
PM ---------------------------

Michael Cowan
07/17/2000 12:14 PM
To: Chris Dorland/CAL/ECT@ECT, Chris Lambie/CAL/ECT@ECT, Jonathan
McKay/CAL/ECT@ECT, Derek Davies/CAL/ECT@ECT, Chad Clark/CAL/ECT@ECT,
c.l.cowan@sympatico.ca, thcowan@ucalgary.ca
Subject: [Fwd: I am American]

---------------------- Forwarded by Michael Cowan/CAL/ECT on 07/17/2000 12:11
PM ---------------------------

Joey Scherle <jscherle@newbridge.com< on 05/17/2000 08:43:13 AM
To: al mcgavin <almcgavin@hotmail.com<, ALLYSON MCCALLUM
<allysonmc@hotmail.com<, Sara Chedgey <schedgey@ingrammicro.ca<, Erin Lisac
<erin.lisac@gecapital.com<, Diane work Wdowiak <dwdowiak@pal.com<, Ken Archer
<karcher@sandwell.com<, Mike Cowan <Michael.Cowan@enron.com<, Grant McArthur
<gmcarthur@hydrogenics.COM<, DESMOND STEVENS-GUILLE <desmonds@newbridge.com<
Subject: [Fwd: I am American]

< < < I AM AMERICAN....
< < <
< < < I'm not particularly intelligent, open-minded,
< < < or generally well-liked.
< < < I don't live in a clean place,
< < < I don't eat nutritiously very often,
< < < And I don't drive well.
< < < I don't know Shakespeare, Da Vinci or Gutenberg,
< < < Although I'm certain they weren't American.
< < < I drink beer.....not good beer.
< < < I don't use utensils when eating.
< < < I believe in guns for settlling disputes, not discussions.
< < < And I pronounce it AIN'T, not AREN'T.
< < < I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack......
< < < until I go anywhere.
< < < Burger King IS fine dining.
< < < Cracker Jack IS a vegetable and WWF wrestling is real.
< < < The UNITED STATES is the ONLY country in the world,
< < < The FIRST nation of ignorance,
< < < And the BEST part of South America !!
< < < My name is Johnny Bob Jimmy Joe Ray
< < < AND I AM AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!