Enron Mail

Subject:Enerfax Daily's free web version of gas & power prices and info Go
Date:Thu, 16 Nov 2000 21:59:00 -0800 (PST)

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Enerfax Daily




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Concamin to Propose NewRegulated Natural Gas Price Scheme

? ?
? ? Leading Mexican business association, Concamin, will propose that Pemex
adopt a new scheme for determining the price of natural gas. The details of
the proposal were finalized at a Tuesday night meeting of Concamin's Energy
Committee. Pemex currently uses the price of gas in southern Texas as a
price of reference in setting the price of natural gas in Mexico. Under the
scheme to be proposed by Concamin, the price of natural gas would be
determined with reference to the costs of extraction, exploration, supply
and distribution, plus a reasonable profit margin for Pemex.


Financial Summary


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