Enron Mail

To:jeff.duff@enron.com, mark.walker@enron.com, mark.fisher@enron.com
Subject:FW: RE: Revised Availability Numbers
Date:Fri, 12 Jul 2002 03:33:00 -0700 (PDT)

Lets get together to discuss..
---------------------- Forwarded by Kurt Anderson/EWC/Enron on 07/12/2002
10:49 AM ---------------------------

"Gary Verkleeren" <GVerkleeren@zilkha.com< on 07/12/2002 10:48:27 AM
To: <kurt.anderson@enron.com<

Subject: FW: RE: Revised Availability Numbers

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Gary Verkleeren
< Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 1:27 PM
< To: 'kurt.anderson@ps.ge.com'
< Cc: Rick Winsor; Joan Quick; Mark Haller
< Subject: RE: Revised Availability Numbers
< Kurt,
< After performing an initial review of the revised availability numbers,
which included performing spot checks on specific turbines, I have decided to
discontinue any additional efforts on my part to validate the revised
numbers. The basis for my decision includes but is not limited to the
< 1) The summary letter which accompanied the revised availability tables
< "To differentiate for times when the turbine is transitioning between
states as per design, calculations have determined that during each month a
turbine will have between one and two hours meeting the above conditions.
For this reason, the times determined using the conditions above (i.e. "zero
power availability") were decreased by 1.5 hours to account for the as
designed transitioning times."
< I reject applying this rule. A turbine is available to run or it is
not available to run. If a turbine remains down on repair for seven
consecutive days its availability for that seven day period is zero. No
credit should be applied for as designed transitioning times - at least this
is how I interpret the contract.
< 2) On May 23, 2002 you received an email from me regarding the April
Monthly Reports. My email to you made specific reference to MR WTG#9 and its
improperly reported availability. On June 13, 2002, Mark Fisher, Joe
Thorpe and I spent the entire day reviewing the availability calculation
procedures, methodology, and reporting. MR WTG#9 happened to be a specific
turbine in which we worked through the entire availability calculation. Both
Mark Fisher and Joe Thorpe agreed that the reported availability was
incorrect by approximately 5 percentage points. Why was MR WTG#9 not revised
for the month of April?
< 3) Your summary letter mentions low data recovery of 10-minute data for the
December 01 time period. Based on my understanding from Mark Fisher, the Mon
< form the basis for your availability reporting. My availability analysis
which primarily included investigation of the 10-minute data was frowned upon
by Hollis Kimbrough and he mentioned several problems with my method. He
stated that the Mon files have a much higher data recovery rate. Did the
10-minute data form the basis for your revised availability tables?
< 4) In addition to MR WTG#9 as mentioned above, I have internal
documentation that suggests that the revised availability percentage on MR
WTG#2 for the month of February remains on the order of 3 to 4 percentage
points high.
< I recommend performing a more thorough review of the available information
including SCADA files, maintenance records, and repair logs and then
revisiting the recently reported numbers. Please recall that I am requesting
actual turbine availabilities uncorrected for maintenance allowances. The
revised numbers make no distinction. I am also in need of complete monthly
reports for both PA projects for the month of May which should have been
received by June 20th.
< Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you would like to discuss
these matters in further detail.
< Regards,
< Gary
< Gary Verkleeren
< Zilkha Renewable Energy
< 68 Braddock Drive
< Ohiopyle, PA 15470
< Office: 724 434-1542
< Mobile: 724 554-0924
< Fax: 724 434-1543