Enron Mail

To:john.swafford@enron.com, mark.ng@enron.com, mary.fischer@enron.com
Subject:FW: Entity Changes - Co. 1691
Date:Sat, 27 Oct 2001 10:05:31 -0700 (PDT)

Essie and Leon have proposed xferring Co. 1691 to your world (see below). Do you concur? Please let me know Monday morning.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee, Patricia A.
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:03 AM
To: Trujillo, Vicsandra
Subject: FW: Entity Changes

If you have not already made these decisions, Essie's guidance should be helpful.

Patty Lee
Corporate Tax

-----Original Message-----
From: Essie Locklear
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 10:16 PM
To: Patricia A Lee
Subject: RE: Entity Changes

Please see my comments in red below.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee, Patricia
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 3:43 PM
To: Locklear, Essie
Subject: Entity Changes


Can you recommend where these companies each fit within the new organization? If possible, can you also give an indication of the rank - 1 through 5?



---------------------- Forwarded by Patricia A Lee/HOU/EES on 09/17/2001 03:42 PM ---------------------------
From: Leon Branom/ENRON@enronXgate on 09/17/2001 02:56 PM
To: Vicsandra Trujillo/ENRON@enronXgate
cc: Richard Laird/HOU/EES@EES, Patricia A Lee/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Entity Changes

I have a few entities that may need to change groups or be assigned to a group.

18T - EI Indonesia Operations LLC
This entity is not in TIS, SAP, nor Hyperion. The 2000 tax return has no income, assets, or liabilities. There is a corporate data sheet for this company, but this entity seems to have been inactive since it's creation.

86M - Enron Net Works LLC
Despite the name, this entity appears to be a MTM company. Per September financials, this company has about $3M of MTM and about $8K of expenses, nothing else.

The next 5 companies were my responsibility while in EBS, and did not get assigned during the reorg.

80Y - Enron Broadband Acquisition, Inc.
This entity was created in 2000 for the acquistion of WarpSpeed Communications (now Enron WarpSpeed Services, Inc. 83N), and then dissolved upon completion of merger. Company is around with a small amount of assets and liabilities, but no I/S items. 83N is my responsibility.
I think this entity should stay with 83N. So I suggest it be assigned to Leon. It should be 4 - easy.

1579 - EBS Network Co.
Division of 17H. This one should possibly be assigned to Networks & Services group. Not currently on our list of companies.
I think this could go to either Holding/Administrative Companies (Same as 17H) or Network & Services (Leon). 4 - easy.

1691 - EPI-EBS Europe
Set up last month to centralize merchant asset activities. Broke out the activities of 1179.
A similar entity (1179) was assigned to Commodity and Trade (Todd Richards and Mary Fischer) so this one should be assigned to them as well. 4 - easy.

1307 - EBIC-Apache, LLC
Rolls up to Cherokee Finance VOF, a CFC.
Cherokee Finance VOF is assigned to North America (Glen Walloch and Kevin Walker). Maybe this one should also go to them as the only tax which may have to be provided would be foreign tax. 4 - easy.

1689 - EPI-EBS Ventures, LLC
Set up last month to centralize merchant asset activities. Broke out the activities of 1307.
Same as 1307. It should be assigned to North America (Glen Walloch and Kevin Walker). 4 - easy.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Leon Branom
Senior Tax Analyst
Networks and Services
(713) 345-8702 office