Enron Mail

To:rec-scada@enron.com, ronald.brzezinski@enron.com, david.miller@enron.com
Subject:Re: Index Number
Cc:kevin.cousineau@enron.com, mark.fisher@enron.com
Bcc:kevin.cousineau@enron.com, mark.fisher@enron.com
Date:Thu, 20 Jun 2002 02:21:00 -0700 (PDT)


In considering the solution about the Plant index number recorded in most of
the Visupro tables I have discovered one issue we will have by not having
this on the SQL server. Since the Plant index number records the sequence by
turbine, we can use this to detect when gaps in the data occur. In
particular, in the Errdev we expect a consecutive Plant index number for each
turbine ID and status message.

If we push the data to the SQL server and create an auto number, the status
messages for each turbine will have a sequential auto number, but NOT be
consecutive. Using the Plant Index number has become a very useful field in
analysis of the Errdev data.

We need to store the Plant Index as it is written.


Jeff Duff