Enron Mail

To:ilan.caplan@enron.com, olivia.martinez@enron.com
Subject:Re: Proposed Clipper Availability
Cc:hollis.kimbrough@enron.com, mark.fisher@enron.com
Bcc:hollis.kimbrough@enron.com, mark.fisher@enron.com
Date:Wed, 17 Apr 2002 04:26:00 -0700 (PDT)

There are several ambiguities and operational issues with this definition.

SOT: First, the phrase "available to operate without a status condition or
fault that would otherwise limit its operation" in SOT is very easily
misunderstood. Many owners & I.E.'s think that "System Okay" means the
turbine should produce power, as per the power curve, during every second of
SOT. This isn't true. If the turbine is paused offline or manually
stopped, untwisting cables, resetting, undergoing a load shutdown, in low
noise operation, or in spinning or starting up mode, then the SOT clock is
incremented even though the turbine can't produce power. I think the SOT
description should read something like"not faulted off for turbine
malfunction or offline for failed turbine systems." Either that or call this
counter something other than "System Okay".

DT: The phrase "or that is counted as Weather Out Time" may confuse the
owner. According to SCADA training if a downtime fault occurs at the same
time as a "weather out" condition then the turbine fault (DT) will have
precedence. This precedence may be hard to explain to owner. Therefore, I
recommend you delete the Weather out phrase. In other words, stop the
sentance on Majeure Events.

LOT: Precedence also can cause confusion here. If a turbine fault occurs
when the grid is outside of specs we've been told that DT will always take
precedence whether the grid induced the fault or the fault occurred due to
turbine malfunction not related to the grid. How does the controller
distinguish (and analysts from ten minute SCADA data) whether the fault was
due to the grid or the grid was driven out of spec by a turbine malfunction?
I recommend that you replace the phrase "except where line conditions are
forced out of specs due to Turbine malfunction" with " except when the
turbine faults offline." Further, it should be noted that when the turbine
faults off due to grid variations then it probably is true that EWC is
penalized for the grid variations.

MT: How do we implement the 36 hour limit on MT in the equation? I assume
that we compute a value MTexcess that is that portion of MT in excess of the
36 hour limit. Then we use MTexcess in the numerator instead of MT to
penalize EWC for exceeding the MT limit. Where did 36 hours come from?
The previous limit in all existing 1.5 contracts is 48 hours and MT, as
defined by the controller fault listing, includes several other tasks that
are not on a scheduled maintenance checklist. The 48 hours per year was
intended only to capture those tasks on the maintenance checklist.

WOT: How does the controller know when the turbine can't be repaired due to
weather related events or that weather makes access unsafe? If it can't
then you are adding an activity that must be tracked by manual log and
integrated into availability computations by a manual procudure that is not
value added to the customer and costly to operator.

EOT: What about icing sensor shutting down turbine? This isn't due to

ST: This definition of ST rarely equals the total number of hours in the
"survey or measurement" period due to communication losses and power
outages. I recommend you remove that phrase from the definition OR alter
the definition of availability to (SURVEY - DT - RT - MT)/(SURVEY -
MTprorated). SURVEY is the maximum possible number of hours in the survey
period and MTprorated is the percent of 36 hours per year in the survey
period. I recommend keeping the current availability definition as it uses
info already in Visupro.

Availability equation as shown doesn't penalize EWC for MT above the 36 hour
limit. See MT above for solution.

From: Ilan Caplan on 04/17/2002 09:14 AM
To: Mark Fisher/EWC/Enron@Enron, Mark V Walker/EWC/Enron@ENRON
cc: Hollis Kimbrough/EWC/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Proposed Clipper Availability

Mark(s) -

Please review the attached calculation which Clipper proposes for
Availability. I will compare it with the contractual availability which have
recently proposed, but would prefer your input.


---------------------- Forwarded by Ilan Caplan/EWC/Enron on 04/17/2002 09:26
AM ---------------------------

Mark Eilers
04/17/2002 09:02 AM
To: Ilan Caplan/EWC/Enron@Enron

Subject: Availability


Can you please give this a quick read to see if this my work. This is a take
on our standard availability that Clipper is proposing. Let me know your
