Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Risk System Alternatives Next Steps
Date:Mon, 20 Nov 2000 03:00:00 -0800 (PST)

As we discussed, based on this email and the other information you have given
me, I have significant concerns about our ability to use the ENA products
discussed below. Having ENA IT people involved on an ongoing basis in
maintaining the software and assisting us in using it would probably
constitute a violation of the marketing affiliate rules or would at minimum
create the appearance of marketing affiliate violations. As I understand the
risk books, etc., confidential information on our various capacity positions
would be all over the place and difficult or impossible to firewall off from
ENA people working on those books. If there is some firewall strategy that
the ENA folks have in mind, i.e., if those IT people are or will be employed
by Networks or Corp., I am eager to listen, but from what I have learned so
far, I am not comfortable with our use of the ENA system. DF

Lee Ferrell
11/16/2000 04:16 PM
To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Kent Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject: Risk System Alternatives Next Steps

We have been asked to justify our proposal to purchase third party risk
management software rather than use in-house ENA systems. Since there are
affiliate issues as addressed below, please give us your opinion of the risk
we might run in trying to use ENA's systems.
---------------------- Forwarded by Lee Ferrell/ET&S/Enron on 11/16/2000
03:28 PM ---------------------------

Lisa Sawyer
11/16/2000 01:48 PM
To: Lee Ferrell/ET&S/Enron@Enron
cc: Steve Hotte/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Vernon Mercaldo/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Shelley
Corman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Beth Perlman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard
Burchfield/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephen Stock/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Risk System Alternatives Next Steps

Just to recap the meeting with Richard Burchfield and Steve Stock, based on
the requirements that you and Vernon have identified, we would need to use
several of the system components including TAG, ERMS, GLOBAL COUNTERPARTY,
CREDIT, and UNIFY for settlements. All of these applications are tightly
integrated. We considered moving them into the ETS environment which would
separate the applications, but this would be a very large undertaking and
would be a resource intensive effort. Therefore, due to the size, complexity
and integration of the applications, the group came to the conclusion that it
would be more timely and cost effective from an inception as well as
maintenance standpoint that ETS would have to share these systems with the
marketing group, and that porting them to the ETS environment as separate
application images would not be good from an overall migration as well as
support standpoint. Additionally, we considered the EnPower System which is
also integrated into GLOBAL COUNTERPARTY, CREDIT and UNIFY. We are planning
on a demo Friday morning, but there may be some functionality that you all
are looking for related to gas that EnPower cannot provide at this time and
would require some customization. We'll know more tomorrow after the demo.

Regarding security, these applications are secured to segregate the data, but
we need an approval from Legal that it would be ok to use shared resources
from the IT standpoint. This would include application developers and
database administrators. Additionally, we would have to go through the
process of verifying that there would be no security leaks where it would be
possible for a marketer to run a report on pipeline related data, etc... If
we can get an ok from Legal regardinig sharing of resources, then one of
these options can be explored further, but if we cannot get approval on
sharing of resources, it doesn't look like porting either of these
applications into the ETS environment as standalone apps would be the most
timely or cost effective way to go at this time. Can you get a stand from
Legal regarding this issue? Thanks.