Enron Mail

Subject:Year-End Performance Feedback - Let's Do It Right!
Date:Mon, 30 Oct 2000 14:00:00 -0800 (PST)

The Performance Evaluation Process (PEP) system is now open through Friday,=
Nov. 17, for all employees to solicit and provide performance feedback. Th=
process is powerful . . . if we provide meaningful feedback.

Management, when determining performance ratings, participating in PRC=20
meetings, and providing feedback to employees, depends on the comments=20
received via PEP. For the users of PEP information to fully understand the=
employee=01,s performance and the ratings identified, specific comments are=
needed to explain each rating, including the overall rating. It's most=20
beneficial to describe specifically what the employee did and why their=20
action was productive or why it needs improvement.

Comments on areas of strength as well as suggesting areas needing improveme=
are both important. Just as each of us needs feedback and coaching to=20
improve our skills in sports or other pursuits, we also need to know what a=
how we can improve our work skills and behaviors. We all benefit from=20
constructive feedback.

Please actively participate in the year-end PEP process and make your input=

PEP Feedback Tips:
? Provide feedback when requested.
? Rate only those skills and behaviors you have observed this year.
? Provide specific comments with specific examples.
? Indicate performance needs improvement when appropriate.

Some Feedback Examples:

Communication=09"Jack communicates well."=09"Jack was called on to provide =
updates for the Ajax project and he clearly conveyed pertinent information=
that was easy to read, timely and suited for his audience. The Accounting =
Finance management team commented on how his reports saved them time."
Teamwork=09"Sue=01,s a poor team player."=09"When we got to =01+crunch=01, =
time sending out year-end=20
reports, Sue chose to spend a day preparing her goals for next year, instea=
of pitching in and helping check figures and box up reports with everyone=
else. We missed the shipping deadline and our reports were received a day=
late. This impacted our customers and caused our team to miss an important=
Innovation=09"Jennifer comes up with great new ideas."=09"From reading an a=
rticle on data=20
transmitting devices, Jennifer identified a tool she thought could be=20
utilized in our remote gas measurement applications. Now implemented, the=
remote measurement device has saved us significant monies and time."
Leadership=09"Tom often displays inappropriate leadership skills."=09"Altho=
ugh Tom closes=20
big deals and contributes significantly to the success of ETS, he lacks the=
ability to gain the support and commitment of others when dealing with=20
support groups across departmental lines. For greater success, he should=
listen more and provide rationale for his ideas and directives."
Technical=09"Bill=01,s technical skills are weak."=09"On three occasions, B=
ill misaligned=20
columns or overlaid critical data when updating departmental, electronic=20
spreadsheets. These errors caused more than 30 hours of rework and=20
approximately 8 hours of overtime to fix the mistakes."

For additional information or assistance on providing performance feedback,=
please contact your HR Rep or Roger Sumlin at 713-345-7967.

Thanks, in advance, for your participation in this very important feedback=