Enron Mail

To:tracy.geaccone@enron.com, john.keiser@enron.com, steve.gilbert@enron.com
Subject:Depr./AFUDC Current Estimate
Date:Wed, 8 Aug 2001 08:24:12 -0700 (PDT)

In order to provide you with timely projections for the 2002 Plan and the Current Estimate update it
would be most helpful if you would provide us with the following information keeping the C.E. projections
in line (Carryover Projects) with the Plan.

For 2001 Current Estimate Update please provide the following information ASAP but no later than August 22
for us to provide the updated C.E. the week of August 27.
Remaining monthly capital expenditures
Major Projects
2001 In Service Month
Carryover to 2002
Other Projects
2001 In Service
Carryover to 2002

For 2002 Plan please provide the following and we will incorporate into the "base depreciation" and provide a
total entity estimate for depreciaiton and AFUDC. The timing is not clear to us yet but if this data is provided
to us along with the C.E. or shortly thereafter we will be able to provide plan projections immediately after the
August close. If you need this sooner then we must get this project data along with the C.E. data.
Projects In service in 2002
Monthly expenditures
Project To-Date Exp. (carryover plus 2002)
2002 In Service Month
Projects not In service in 2002
Monthly expenditures

If this is too confusing, just give Betty Studzinski (3-5434)or myself (3-7402) a call