Enron Mail

To:jporte1@columbiaenergygroup.com, scott.goodell@enron.com,joan.veselack@enron.com
Subject:Re: New SST Volumes for COH
Cc:colleen.sullivan@enron.com, dick.jenkins@enron.com
Bcc:colleen.sullivan@enron.com, dick.jenkins@enron.com
Date:Thu, 16 Mar 2000 01:03:00 -0800 (PST)

I want to make sure Joni sees everyting on CGAS as well.

jporte1@columbiaenergygroup.com on 03/16/2000 08:39:28 AM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, " - *Goodell, Scott"
cc: " - *Kinney, Doug" <BLOCK@columbiaenergygroup.com<
Subject: New SST Volumes for COH

Just a note that as of 4/1/00, CES' SST capacity on TCO will decrease. We have
submitted a request to COH for Storage Capacity and Transport (FSS & SST) for
the 00-01 season. COH should have the actual numbers late Friday, but I have
made a guesstimate below. You only get 50% of your Oct-Mar WD capacity for
Apr-Sep Inj, which could be around 50,000 dth/d. The numbers below are from
3/00, so 4/00 should be smaller, but I will forward to you as soon as I can.