Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Storage true up
Date:Thu, 12 Oct 2000 08:16:00 -0700 (PDT)

Chris here is the schedule I sent to Molly. Looks close enough. Let me know
what you think.

Chris.Germany@enron.com on 10/12/2000 02:07:27 PM
Please respond to Chris.Germany@enron.com

To: Jeff.W.Westover@enron.com, Ernie Simien/CES/ColumbiaGas@COLUMBIAGAS
cc: William.Kelly@enron.com, Don.Kirkindahl@enron.com

Subject: Storage true up

I spoke with Rich yesterday. He said it would be OK to net the storage
true up invoice from Ernie with the Sep invoice. I mailed the invoice via
interoffice to Jeff.

There are 6 or 7 deals that ENA billed CES for September that should
probably be billed to New Power. All of the deals in question are on the
Central desk.

How does the reconciliation look for Jan - June? Rich said it was his
understanding that these months look good and the adjustments are minimal.

- enron payment recap.xls