Enron Mail

To:sheri.thomas@enron.com, torrey.moorer@enron.com
Subject:EOL Bridge
Date:Fri, 22 Dec 2000 01:21:00 -0800 (PST)

I just wanted to pass along my thanks for the efforts of your team. The
automatic bridge to Sitara and Tagg will save us an extraordinary amount of
time; especially during bidweek. I know there are others who deserve thanks
in addition to Dawn, so please let them know we appreciate their hard work as
well. I don't want to seem greedy, but I'll ask anyway. When do you think
we will be able to get the Sitara number entered in the Link field in Tagg?
Also, can we get the Tagg number entered in SCI? Thanks again.

DG 3-9573
---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 12/22/2000
09:16 AM ---------------------------

Anne Bike@ENRON
12/21/2000 03:35 PM
To: Dawn C Kenne/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Jeffrey C Gossett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer
Subject: Re: EPNG Keystone

Dawn: Thank you so much for all of your hard work in getting these physical
products to bridge correctly. You have saved us a tremendous amount of
work. I know that there were a ton of little details that went into getting
these products done correctly. Everything went smoothly, and the bridge
worked the first time. We really appreciate your efforts.


Dawn C Kenne@ECT
12/21/2000 11:02 AM
To: Anne Bike/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: EPNG Keystone

FIXED...you will never have that problem again!!!!

Keep letting me know!
