Enron Mail

To:e..haedicke@enron.com, wes.colwell@enron.com
Subject:AA telecom whitepaper
Cc:michael.krautz@enron.com, legal <.schuler@enron.com<
Bcc:michael.krautz@enron.com, legal <.schuler@enron.com<
Date:Thu, 4 Oct 2001 10:32:42 -0700 (PDT)

As per your requests, attached is the Arthur Andersen Whitepaper on Accounting by Telecommunications providers. I've highlighted some of the pertinent sections in yellow. Any questions, please give me a call.

Jesse Morris
EBS Transaction Support
Phone: 713-345-4650
Cell: 713-408-6489
Fax: 713-646-5737
Email: jesse_morris@enron.net