Enron Mail

Subject:Board Matters
Date:Fri, 16 Feb 2001 05:50:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2001 01:49 PM -----

Robert Pickel <RPICKEL@isda.org<
02/15/2001 05:48 PM

To: Damian Kissane <damian.kissane@db.com<, Dennis Oakley
<dennis.oakley@chase.com<, Diane Genova <genova_diane@jpmorgan.com<, Douglas
Bongartz-Renaud <douglas.bongartz-renaud@nl.abnamro.com<, Ernest Patrikis
<ernest.patrikis@aig.com<, George James <george.james@msdw.com<, Henning
Bruttel <Henning.Bruttel@dresdner-bank.com<, Jerry del Missier
<jerry.delmissier@barclayscapital.com<, Jonathan Moulds <jonm@crt.com<, Jose
Manuel Hernandez-Beneyto <jhb1@bancosantander.es<, Kazuhiko Koshikawa
<kazuhiko_koshikawa@sanwabank.co.jp<, Keith Bailey
<kbailey2@exchange.ml.com<, Luciano Steve <lsteve@bci.it<, Mark Haedicke
<Mark.E.Haedicke@enron.com<, Maurits Schouten <maurits.schouten@csfb.com<,
Robert Mark <markb@cibc.ca<, Steve Targett
<steve_targett@nag.national.com.au<, Teruo Tanaka
<teruo.tanaka@ibjbank.co.jp<, Thomas Montag <tom.montag@gs.com<, Tim
Fredrickson <tim.fredrickson@ubsw.com<
Subject: Board Matters

I have spoken with a number of you regarding several Board-related matters,
and wanted to provide that information to everyone. These relate to the

Nominating Committee Results
Board Meeting Schedule
Strategic Planning Meeting Schedule
Pre-Strategic Planning Lunches

Nominating Committee Results

The Nominating Committee has completed its deliberations and has recommended
11 individuals for election at this year's AGM to two-year terms. In
addition to the reelection of Ernie, Jerry, Jose Manuel, Keith, Maurits,
Terry, Tom and Tim, the Nominating Committee has proposed the following
individuals for election:

Kaushik Amin, Managing Director at Lehman Brothers NY, co-head of their
global fixed income division.

Fred Janbon, Global Head of Fixed Income at BNP Paribas, London

Azam Mistry, Director, Head of Risk Management Advisor--Treasury and Capital
Markets, HSBC, Hong Kong, and Co-Chair of our Asia-Pacific Steering

Thank you to everyone on the nominating commitee for your efforts,
particularly those of you who had an opportunity to meet these and other
prospective nominees.


The Nominating Committee chose not to nominate anyone from Citigroup for
election at this year's AGM. We have emphasized to Citigroup that this
decision is due to a variety of factors, including lack of attendance at
Board meetings by current and past Board members and the fact that Citi has
had a seat on the Board continuously since the Association was formed. We
have encouraged them to remain involved in ISDA activities with a view to
rejoining the Board at the earliest possible juncture. Please encourage your
Citigroup counterparts to get involved or remain involved in the
Association's activities.

Both Ravit and Thierry Sciard, who contacted us to offer himself as an
alternative for the position, were upset by the decision, but it is not
clear what the long-term effects will be. The most immediate tangible effect
is that Citi has indicated that it is withdrawing its co-sponsorship of the
Tuesday and Wednesday evening events at the Washington AGM. There is a
possibility that Lehman may be interested in sponsorship.

Board Meeting Schedule

Please make note of the Board meeting schedule for the remainder of the

April 4 and 5 (over lunch each day at the AGM in Washington)

May 16-17 in Kyoto (more details below)

September 12 in London

November 13 in New York (note this is a change from prior schedules

Strategic Planning Session

May 16 and 17 are the dates of our strategic planning session, which this
year will be at the Miyako Hotel in Kyoto. The details on the Miyako Hotel

Sanjo Keage
Kyoto 605-0052
Phone: 81 75 771 7111
Fax: 81 75 751 2490

The schedule is slightly different from past sessions. I will provide more
details on the specifics, but for your planning purposes, you should arrange
to be in Kyoto for lunch on Wednesday, May 16. (Bullet trains from Tokyo
that morning will get you there in time.) We will have dinner in the hotel
Wednesday evening after our afternoon session. On Thursday, May 17, we will
start with breakfast and have a working lunch, with the session ending
around 2:00. The afternoon will be spent visiting temples and perhaps going
on a sake tasting tour. (Fortunately, I do not believe that Francis Ford
Coppola is a sake producer.) Dinner that evening will be at a restaurant and
will be accompanied by a Geisha dance. Please plan to stay for all of the
events. There is nothing planned for Friday so that everyone (particularly
the Europeans) can get planes out of Osaka or Tokyo on Friday morning that
will get them back for the weekend.

Pre-Strategic Planning Luncheons

As in the past we will hold a series of luncheons in London, New York and
Tokyo where we will invite senior executives from member firms to share with
us their thoughts on issues affecting the industry. The tentative schedule
and locations for these lunches is as follows:

Wednesday, May 2 London UBS (hosted by Tim Frederickson)

Friday, May 11 New York AIG (hosted by Ernie Patrikis)

Tuesday, May 15 Tokyo Royal Park Hotel (hosted by

In addition to attending the luncheon closest to your office, please
consider arriving in Tokyo a day early to join us at the Tokyo session.
Again, more details will follow. In the meantime, I would welcome any
suggestions for individuals we should invite to these luncheons in the
various centers.

I know this is a long email, but it covers the critical dates for the coming
months in one fell swoop. I am on holiday the week of Feb. 19 and will be in
Asia (visiting Beijing, Hong Kong and Tokyo) the week of Feb. 26. I will be
checking emails and voice mails.

