Enron Mail

Subject:ISDA 16th AGM
Date:Fri, 16 Feb 2001 06:53:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 02/16/2001 02:53 PM -----

Rosemary Ryan <RRYAN@isda.org<
02/16/2001 01:53 PM

To: ISDA BOARD <BOARD@isda.org<
cc: Mary Cunningham <MCUNNINGHAM@isda.org<, Cynthia Richards
<CRICHARDS@isda.org<, Robert Pickel <RPICKEL@isda.org<
Subject: ISDA 16th AGM

As you know ISDA's 16th Annual General Meeting will be held in Washington,
D.C. on April 3-6, 2001 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. If you have not
already made your hotel reservations at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, please call
the hotel at (202) 234 0700 and mention that you are attending the "ISDA
Annual General Meeting" to receive the discounted rate. Please note that
reservations made after March 3, 2001 are subject to room and /or rate

The AGM will begin with a Pre-Conference Welcoming Reception on Tuesday
evening, April 3 at 7:30 PM at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. The conference
will conclude on Friday, April 6 at 12:15 PM.

Please call me with any questions you may have.


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