Enron Mail

Subject:RE: AGM 2000--Energy Derivatives Panel
Date:Wed, 8 Dec 1999 01:48:00 -0800 (PST)

Please try to schedule a call with Justin and Paul in London and Alison at
ISDA over the next week or so. Mark
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 12/08/99 09:46
AM ---------------------------

Alison Smythe <ASMYTHE@isda.org< on 12/08/99 08:08:05 AM
To: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Susan Hinko <SHINKO@isda.org<, Rosemary Ryan <RRYAN@isda.org<, Yasuko
Horibe <YHORIBE@isda.org<, Richard Grove <RGROVE@isda.org<
Subject: RE: AGM 2000--Energy Derivatives Panel

Dear Mark,

Thank you for your suggested topics. I will forward your e-mail on to Susan
Hinko as I understand she will be working on this panel with you. I would
be happy to arrange a conference call for sometime next week. Please advise
on who should participate on the call and I can issue an e-mail requesting
the participants availability.

Until we have the conference call, I will amend the agenda to include your
suggested topics below. Once we determine who should participate on the
call, I will circulate the agenda to all conference call participants. I
agree that it will be a good time to have an Energy Derivatives panel in
Europe during the AGM as I understand there has been a lot of activity in
this market in Europe.

By the way, I understand that Sylvia contacted our office regarding the
dates for Strategic Planning in 2000. Strategic Planning is scheduled for
Wednesday, June 7 through Friday, June 9 at the Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa in
Sonoma, California. Please mark your calendar. The Board Meeting during
the AGM will be held on Wednesday, March 15 and Thursday, March 16 during
lunch on each day.

Please let me know about scheduling a conference call by Friday, December

I look forward to hearing from you and best regards,
Alison Smythe

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark E Haedicke [mailto:mhaedic@ect.enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 7:04 PM
To: Alison Smythe
Cc: jboyd@enron.co.uk; psimons@enron.co.uk; mbrown@enron.co.uk
Subject: Re: AGM 2000--Energy Derivatives Panel


I think the energy panel at the AGM on March 17, 2000 in Amsterdam should
discuss (i) development of energy trading on the continent, (ii) energy
documentation issues and (iii) regulatory barriers to energy trading. This
is a great time to do a panel on energy trading in Europe! I will copy Paul
and Justin in London to get their ideas on both topics and panel members.
Perhaps we can have a conference call next week.
