Enron Mail

Subject:Re: CACs Forms
Date:Thu, 29 Mar 2001 01:18:00 -0800 (PST)


Is Enron ready for this? I think it is a good suggestion for the most
significant deals. It is really positive in that it would force dealmakers
to pay more attention to what the contracts provide. I am not sure it makes
sense to follow this procedure for every deal that is dashed. Let's talk
about what are the objectives. Great question!


Louise Kitchen
03/28/2001 04:27 PM

To: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: CACs Forms

---------------------- Forwarded by Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2001
04:27 PM ---------------------------

Louise Kitchen
03/21/2001 12:35 PM
To: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: John J Lavorato/Enron@EnronXGate

Subject: CACs Forms

We have spoken about this before, the issue is that Enron Americas has no
approval mechanism for contracts. Neither does any other group but that is
not my problem. I have spent too much time reading DASH forms which really
do not provide full authorization.

There are two suggestions that I would like to be implemented:

(i) DASH forms need to include all of the contracts which are to be signed
under the deal. So if a DASH is signed then this authorizes all of the
contracts to be signed in the deal. Any contracts which are not included
need to go through the process outlined below.

(ii) All contracts need a Contract Approval Form attached and Enron's legal
team cannot initial any contract until this form has been completed (ie
signed) by the following Enron staff.

Trader/Originator ________________________________
Head of Group (VP or above)______________________
Tech Services (where applicable)__________________
Commercial Support (where applicable)_____________

A database of all completed contracts on behalf of Enron Americas needs to be
maintained by Legal.

Thoughts please?