Enron Mail

To:michael.brown@enron.com, jeffrey.hodge@enron.com, mark.taylor@enron.com,alan.aronowitz@enron.com
Subject:Re: Forum on Electronic Trading
Date:Wed, 14 Jun 2000 01:48:00 -0700 (PDT)

FYI. We should talk about attendance at these meetings re electronic trading.
----- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 06/14/2000 08:45 AM -----

George James <George.James@msdw.com<
06/13/2000 03:58 PM
Please respond to George.James

To: Rosemary Ryan <RRYAN@isda.org<
cc: ISDA BOARD <BOARD@isda.org<, Mary Cunningham <MCUNNINGHAM@isda.org<
Subject: Re: Forum on Electronic Trading


Should we limit the presentations to ISDA members only? What about
FPML/Swift/Londex or e speed, or treasury connect, etc? I believe we should
to be inclusive of any important venture, member value from attendance goes up
as a result.



Rosemary Ryan wrote:

< Following up on the discussion at the Strategic Planning Session
< regarding ISDA holding a forum on electronic trading, we would like to
< suggest the following and welcome your input.
< We propose to hold the forum in conjunction with the ISDA Member
< Updates in London (September 12), New York (September 20), Singapore
< (October 24) and Tokyo (October 26).
< The agenda would be an update on ISDA committee activities from 9:00
< AM to 12:30 PM, luncheon at 12:30PM and the afternoon would be devoted to
< electronic trading.
< The forum would include presentations from ISDA broker member firms
< who are involved in the electronic trading of OTC derivatives.
< These firms would include:
< * Blackbird
< * Icor Brokerage
< * Credittrade
< * Creditex
< * EBS
< * Swapswire (assuming they are joining)
< * Garban Intercapital
< * Prebon Yamane
< * Tullet & Tokyo Liberty
< We would ask the institutions to pay a sponsor fee which would
< include a 20 minute presentation by each firm and would also allow them to
< distribute their marketing materials if they wish. Following the
< presentations we would allow for Q&A.
< If a firm chooses to present in one location we would charge $2,000,
< two locations $3,500, three locations $5,000 or four locations $5,500.
< Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.
< Thank you.