Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Venezuela EPC Dispute Resolution
Date:Mon, 5 Feb 2001 02:31:00 -0800 (PST)

Alan: This makes sense to me. Please get with John or send your e-mail to
him and see if this matter can be resolved quickly. Mark

Alan Aronowitz
02/04/2001 10:58 AM

To: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Venezuela EPC Dispute Resolution

Ned, Andy and I have discussed the dispute resolution provisions of the
possible EPC Contract between Enron LNG Atlantic Limited (EGM affiliate) and
EE&CC for Project Jose.

Attached is Ned's memo outlining our conclusions at this time. In essence, we
thought that:

Only upon the parties' mutually agreement would the use of a qualified
independent expert (arbitrator) subject to AAA rules (note: the current
language in the draft would need to be changed to clarify that AAA rules
would apply to the IE's proceedings) be the appropriate mechanism for the
expeditious handling of a narrow group of technical disputes ("Technical
Disputes"). Primarily, these would be disputes over the adjustment of the
contract price for a change order or the date of a milestone or completion
date due a change order.
In the interests of an expeditious resolution, the current draft should be
changed to reflect that the IE's decisions would be final, and
non-appealable, as contrasted with the current draft where in certain
instances they can be appealed to the three-arbitrator panel.
The "baseball arbitration" approach required in the current draft should be
used by the IE for these Technical Disputes only, and would not apply to
disputes handled by the three-arbitrator Panel. The commercial people on the
Enron LNG side of the table like baseball arbitration b/c they believe it
mitigates the possibility of claims inflation by the Contractor in these
change order price disputes.
All other disputes under the Contract would be handled by a three-arbitrator
panel ("Panel") subject to AAA rules, which would also handle all Technical
Disputes if the parties cannot mutually agree to an IE.
The Dispute Resolution Section of the draft Contract should be refined in
some areas to provide greater clarity. Andy and Ned are in the process of
doing this.

If you have any questions before you visit with Vicki or John, please advise
any of us.


----- Forwarded by Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT on 02/04/2001 10:25 AM -----

02/01/2001 06:48 PM

To: Andrew Edison@Enron, Alan Aronowitz@ECT
Subject: Venezuela EPC Dispute Resolution

Please see attached memo regarding this afternoon's discussion of proposed
resolution to the concerns posed on the arbitration clause.

Thanks, Ned