Enron Mail

Subject:camisea natural gas project in peru
Date:Tue, 21 Sep 1999 08:36:00 -0700 (PDT)

Rob, pass on if appropriate. Mark
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 09/21/99 03:34
PM ---------------------------

rsanchez@computextos.com.pe (Sanchez Roberto) on 09/20/99 07:30:56 PM
To: Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: camisea natural gas project in peru

dear mr. haedicke: i am a peruvian citizen graduated in the us working in
the international metals trading business since 1987. i work as senior
trader for a major private mining company in peru who produces precious and
base metals which are all exported to exclusively 2 endusers in the us. our
company also is involved since 1989 in hedging its output of copper, zinc,
gold and silver in comex and lme markets.
the reason i am contacting you is because i regularly receive literature
from comex and i see that your company is the largest natural gas trader in
the world and i was hoping to see if your company could be interested to
participate in the international tender of exploiting and distributing the
camisea natural gas project in south eastern peru.
if you are interested pls let me know so that i can send you detailed
information on this project by mail.
best regards,
roberto sanchez
pasaje cezanne 151,
lima 41-peru
day phone: 011-51-1-913-5174
fax: 011-51-1-225-0941