Enron Mail

To:rod.hayslett@enron.com, jerry.peters@enron.com, danny.mccarty@enron.com
Subject:Daily Summary of Risk Data
Cc:james.saunders@enron.com, john.cobb@enron.com, dave.neubauer@enron.com,steven.harris@enron.com, cheryl.perchal@enron.com
Bcc:james.saunders@enron.com, john.cobb@enron.com, dave.neubauer@enron.com,steven.harris@enron.com, cheryl.perchal@enron.com
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 08:08:49 -0700 (PDT)

Summary Risk Data as of 10/24/2001

Active Financial Deals 51
Active Physical al Deals 35
P&L Daily 545,890.37
VaR 467,367.61

Physical deals modelled in the Caminus Zainet system are deals which have some form of price risk, (i.e. Index to index deals, and anticipated fuel sales) This does not include standard transport or storage agreements.

P&L Daily: Daily change in the mark-to-market (MTM) valuation of all deals being tracked in the Caminus Zainet system. This includes the origination and changes in value for both the physical and financial sides of hedges, along with any speculative trades and floating unhedged phsycal positions.

VaR is "Value at Risk": Enron Corp policy defines this as the maximum expected one day loss on the portfolio given a 95% statistical confidence interval. This number is currently calculated on the Caminus system using a variance covariance metholodogy, rather than a Monte Carlo simulation per the Enron Corp policy.

NOTE: We are reviewing the modelling of one of the financial deals which may have a significant impact on the numbers reported above.

Please call Vince Strohmeyer at 713.853.6701 with any questions you may have.