Enron Mail

Subject:Gas Indices
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 10:00:05 -0800 (PST)

Firm Physical Natural Gas Price Bulletin

For Natural Gas Delivered on Tuesday, October 30, 2001
(Trade Date of Monday, October 29, 2001)

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* volume represents sell-side only *

Hub High Low Wtd Avg Index Change ($) Vol (mmBtu) Hub Name


ANR SE $3.1700 $3.1100 $3.1464 + .1325 264,500 American Natural Resources Pipeline Co. - SE Transmission Pool
Columbia Onshore $3.2700 $3.1750 $3.2035 + .1505 312,900 Columbia Gulf Transmission Co. - Onshore Pool
Henry Hub $3.2500 $3.1500 $3.2044 + .1566 1,626,800 Henry Hub tailgate - Louisiana
NGPL LA $3.1800 $3.1000 $3.1354 + .1406 221,100 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Louisiana Pool
Tenn 500L $3.2650 $3.1600 $3.1942 + .1512 188,400 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.-Zone L, 500 Leg Pool
Tenn 800L $3.2350 $2.2650 $3.1672 + .1447 118,400 Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.-Zone L, 800 Leg Pool
TETCO ELA $3.2100 $3.1450 $3.1778 + .1284 161,000 Texas Eastern - East LA
TETCO WLA $3.1900 $3.1400 $3.1620 + .1376 40,000 Texas Eastern - West LA
Transco 65 $3.2450 $3.1700 $3.2154 + .1204 131,000 Transco - Station 65
Trunkline ELA $3.2000 $3.1200 $3.1622 + .1498 65,700 Trunkline Gas Company - East Louisiana Pool
TxGas SL $3.2200 $3.1550 $3.1913 + .1641 131,000 Texas Gas Transmission Corp.-Zone SL FT Pool


MichCon, citygate $3.3900 $3.3000 $3.3552 + .1372 184,200 Michigan Consolidated
NGPL Midcont $3.1000 $2.9900 $3.0381 + .1611 179,300 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Mid-Continent Pool
NGPL Nicor, citygate $3.2900 $3.1900 $3.2318 + .0987 311,700 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Nicor Citygate
NGPL NIPSCO, citygate $3.2700 $3.2000 $3.2372 + .1102 58,000 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Nipsco Citygate
NNG Demarcation $3.1200 $3.0900 $3.1032 + .1324 200,200 Northern Natural Gas, Demarcation Pool


Columbia TCO $3.6500 $3.5000 $3.5946 + .1931 368,200 Columbia Gas Co. - TCO Pool
Dominion So.Point $3.6100 $3.4950 $3.5580 + .1519 340,000 Dominion - South Point
TETCO M3 $3.6800 $3.6250 $3.6513 + .2235 247,600 Texas Eastern - M3 Zone
Transco Z-6 (NY) $3.8850 $3.6800 $3.7837 + .2175 230,800 Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. - Zone 6 (NY)


El Paso non-Bondad $2.8900 $2.8400 $2.8641 + .3291 160,000 El Paso - San Juan Basin, Blanco Pool
Huntingdon/Sumas $2.8900 $2.8000 $2.8305 + .2305 178,600 Westcoast Energy & Northwest Pipeline Corp.
Opal $2.7300 $2.6300 $2.6982 + .2636 76,500 Opal
PG&E Citygate $3.2900 $3.1000 $3.2117 + .4595 190,000 PG&E - Citygate
SoCal Border $3.1100 $2.9800 $3.0843 + .2537 123,000 Southern California Border Points (Ehrenberg,Topock,Needles)


El Paso - Keystone $2.9450 $2.8500 $2.9143 + .1985 206,100 El Paso - Keystone Pool
Waha $3.0300 $2.9400 $2.9919 + .1895 195,000 Waha Hub - West Texas

Includes all firm physical fixed price trades done from 7 AM to 11:30 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date specified for natural gas delivered on the specified date(s).

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