Enron Mail

Cc:daniel.diamond@enron.com, tana.jones@enron.com
Bcc:daniel.diamond@enron.com, tana.jones@enron.com
Date:Thu, 10 May 2001 06:57:00 -0700 (PDT)

Mr. Kurzer -

Dan Diamond requested that I forward a revised version of the LOI in relation
to Enron's Broker/Client product. I have attached below a clean and marked
version. The marked version reflects changes from the version of the
agreement forwarded earlier this week by Tana Jones.

Please review the attached at your convenience and let me or Dan know if
there are any questions or concerns. If not, please sign two originals of
the clean version and forward a copy via facsimile. This copy will then be
signed by Enron. The originals should be forwarded to my attention under a
separate cover. I will ensure that they are countersigned by Enron and one
fully signed original returned to your attention.

Senior Counsel, EWS
Phone: 713-345-8897
Facsimile: 713-646-3490
E-Mail: Mark.Greenberg@enron.com