Enron Mail

Subject:NDA for Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Cc:stephanie.segura@enron.com, irma.fuentes@enron.com, rex.shelby@enron.com
Bcc:stephanie.segura@enron.com, irma.fuentes@enron.com, rex.shelby@enron.com
Date:Mon, 30 Apr 2001 07:03:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Tana--

Rex would like to move forward with the Sun NDA using the exact language as
the recent iPlanet NDA, except with "Sun Microsystems, Inc." instead of

This is because the initial Sun discussions will be only with the business
development people and there will be no engineers or software developers in
the room, so the residuals clause is OK as Sun likes it.

For now, this new NDA could take the place of any Sun NDA in progress.

Please let me know if you need any more information before sending this out.

Mark P.

Input info for the NDA

Legal name of the company:
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Business contact name at the company (who will receive the NDA):
John Fowler

Business contact email & phone (& fax, if applicable):
phone 650-336-0945

Company's address:
901 San Antonio Rd.
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900

Nature of discussion:
Project Offline

NDA delivery method:

Other delivery needed? (hard copy sent by mail, Fedex, fax):

Legal contact at the company (optional but helpful):
ENE legal may already have this.