Enron Mail

To:enron.legal@enron.com, enron.committee@enron.com, ect.europe@enron.com,enron.1@enron.com, enron.2@enron.com
Subject:Organisational Announcement
Date:Fri, 18 Aug 2000 05:44:00 -0700 (PDT)

We are pleased to announce that we have appointed Michael Brown as Chief=20
Operating Officer of Enron Europe.=20

Michael joined Enron=01,s London legal department in 1995 and has played a =
role in the success of many of our large commercial ventures since then. I=
July 1999, he was made Enron Europe=01,s General Counsel. Replacing Michae=
l in=20
the General Counsel role will be Mark Evans who joined our legal department=
in 1995.

Please join us in congratulating Michael and Mark in their new roles.