Enron Mail

To:mark.greenberg@enron.com, tana.jones@enron.com
Cc:sql_mail@enron.com, bob.ward@enron.com, john.opalko@enron.com
Bcc:sql_mail@enron.com, bob.ward@enron.com, john.opalko@enron.com
Date:Wed, 6 Jun 2001 03:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

Has this been signed and sent to Microsoft?

-----Original Message-----
From: Greenberg, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 9:22 AM
To: Bolender, Corinna
Cc: Jones, Tana
Subject: Re: FW: REVISED: SQL 2000 SP1 JDP MOU

Corinna -

I have looked at the attached. It is fine. I will be printing two originals
for Net Works' signature. I'll have them sent down for signature so that
they can then be sent to Microsoft.

Senior Counsel, EWS
Phone: 713-345-8897
Facsimile: 713-646-3490
E-Mail: Mark.Greenberg@enron.com

Corinna Bolender/ENRON@enronXgate 05/31/2001 05:26 PM To: Mark
Greenberg/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Charles Brewer/ENRON@enronXgate, John
Opalko/ENRON@enronXgate, Jim Ogg/ENRON@enronXgate, Bob Ward/ENRON@enronXgate,
jammo@microsoft.com@SMTP@enronXgate, schang@microsoft.com@SMTP@enronXgate,
rpierce@microsoft.com@SMTP@enronXgate Subject: FW: REVISED: SQL 2000 SP1


Can you please review the changes made by Susan Chang at Microsoft to the SQL
2000 SP1 JDP MOU for our Unify application. Bob Ward is out of the office
until June 4th, and this application is going into production on June 11th.
We need to ensure the MOU is finalized and signed prior to going into
production so that we can receive the appropriate support from Microsoft when
we go live.

If you need to contact Susan her telephone number is 425-703-6394. Her email
is schang@microsoft.com.

Thanks for your immediate attention to this matter,
Corinna Bolender
Desk: 713-345-4388
Cell: 512-632-4285

-----Original Message-----
From: "James Morris" <jammo@microsoft.com<@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 5:13 PM
To: Corinna Bolender; Bolender, Corinna; Ward, Bob
Subject: FW: REVISED: SQL 2000 SP1 JDP MOU

Bob and Corinna,
Here are the versions of the MOU your lawyer will need to review. As
expected, some of the items just did not make the bar to warrant a
change. Specifically:
an actual date for the released product will not go on the MOU.
Customers who particpate in the JDP have a high degree of touch and
disclosure with MS. Although we are glad to discuss dates and they draw
near with the customer we do not promise anything from the beginning
(though this hardly matters now considering the date).
The line in #4 that was cut and pasted to #17 has been placed back in
#4. This is due to the placement of the topic in #4. The rest of #17,
specifically stating that there is NO COST TO THE CUSTOMER has been left
in on #17, and I'll probably incorporate this for future use. It is a
good addition.
#10 on Microsoft's section has been removed. It is clearly rednundant
and not necessary. We already say there is absolutely no cost to the

If this is agreeable (I have included the red lined version, so your
lawyers can review), the final version with those changes have also been
included. Please print, sign and return.


-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Chang (LCA)
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 3:06 PM
To: James Morris
Cc: Susan Chang (LCA)
Subject: REVISED: SQL 2000 SP1 JDP MOU

James - per our phone call this afternoon, I've revised the MOU.
Attached is the redlined version as well as the final doc. Please let
me know if you have any questions.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Morris
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 3:35 PM
To: Susan Chang (LCA)
Subject: FW: SQL 2000 SP1 JDP MOU

I would like to permanently modify our MOU to the following for our
Joint Development Programs. It is redlined, so you can review the exact
changes. This is actually from the customer, but I like what they
changed and added, I just want to be certain that it's not going to come
back and bite me later. Roughly 4 or 5 sentenced.
Thanks for you help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ward, Bob [mailto:Bob.Ward@ENRON.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 8:49 AM
To: James Morris
Cc: Bolender, Corinna; Ogg, Jim
Subject: SQL 2000 SP1 JDP MOU

Hi, James. I've attached a copy of the MOU which contains some minor
changes suggested by one of our attorneys. Let me know what you think.
Thank you.

<<JDP MOU 02-02-2001(microsoft- enroncomment5-1-01).doc<<

Bob Ward
Manager, IT - Development
ext. 54409

- JDP MOU 02-02-2001(microsoft- enroncomment5-1-01).doc << File: JDP MOU
02-02-2001(microsoft- enroncomment5-1-01).doc <<
- SQL 2000 SP1 JDP MOU.doc << File: SQL 2000 SP1 JDP MOU.doc <<