Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Confidentiality Agreement
Date:Thu, 12 Apr 2001 09:06:00 -0700 (PDT)

John -

I received your voice mail regarding the desire to move forward with the GM
NDA. As we discussed, please ensure that your team is aware of GM's position
on confidential and proprietary information. That position is - (1) anything
in writing that is not marked as proprietary or confidential does not need to
be treated as such and could be subject to disclosure and (2) anything that
is provided orally and not reduced to writing within 10 days of the
disclosure (identifying it as proprietary or confidential), is subject to
being treated as non-confidential information. If you need assistance in
putting together some plan to ensure documents are marked, I would be more
than happy to assist or advise you as necessary.

Please let me know if you should need anything further.

Senior Counsel, ENA
Phone: 713-345-8897
Facsimile: 713-646-3940
E-Mail: Mark.Greenberg@enron.com
----- Forwarded by Mark Greenberg/NA/Enron on 04/12/2001 04:02 PM -----

04/12/2001 08:08 AM

To: Mark.Greenberg@enron.com
cc: John.Allario@enron.com, Kay.Young@enron.com, kenneth.wong@gm.com,
Mark.Greenberg@enron.com, Tana.Jones@enron.com
Subject: Re: Confidentiality Agreement

We have provided comments to your NDA. Please review and if acceptable
documents for signature.


(See attached file: NDAenron041101v1.doc)

- NDAenron041101v1.doc