Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Confidentiality Agreements
Date:Fri, 21 Jul 2000 03:45:00 -0700 (PDT)

Why do we want Andy to sign the draft going out? If it's not a rush, it
makes us look heavy handed to send a signed document, giving a tone like
"this is not negotiable!".

Savita Puthigai@ENRON
07/21/2000 10:32 AM

To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Confidentiality Agreements

Hi Tana,

To answer your questions

1. The companys full name is NatSource LLC
2. I'm not sure but it should be exactly the same as what we sent to True
Quote, Houston Street and Espeed.
3. The project is for posting EOL prices on NatSources Electronic Trading
4. The companys address is
Nat Source LLC
140 Broadway
30th Floor, New York
NY 10005
It should be sent to the attention of Jack Hogan (Tel 212-232-5335,
fax-212-232-5354) Their General Counsel is Andrew O Connor (tel
212-286-1234). Andy Zipper will sign the document before it is sent.
5. Its not a rush we're just starting to talk to them.

I hope this gives you all the information you need. Thanks a lot.


From: Tana Jones@ECT on 07/21/2000 09:56 AM
To: Savita Puthigai/NA/Enron@Enron

Subject: Confidentiality Agreements

In order to prepare a Confidentiality Agreement, I will need the following

1. The company's full legal name
2. Whether we want a bilateral or Enron Protected Counterparty form
3. What is the nature of the protected information (what project or type of
transaction is it for)
4. The company's address, phone number and fax number
5. Any timing involved for getting this signed (is there a meeting Monday
morning at 9:00 am, so it's a rush, or just send it out, we're starting to
talk to them)