Enron Mail

Subject:Re: EOL Help Desk Question, CP ID 5177 SaskEnergy Incorporated,
Date:Fri, 9 Mar 2001 00:59:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Tana Jones
X-To: Matilda Machado
X-Folder: \Tanya_Jones_June2001\Notes Folders\All documents
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I spoke to the woman at Sask and she's ok on everything.

Matilda Machado
03/09/2001 08:33 AM

To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: EOL Help Desk Question, CP ID 5177 SaskEnergy Incorporated,
Global Contract 96013849

Hi Tana,

Further to Karen Lambert's email below, could you please let me know what the
status is with SaskEnergy? Are they understanding the fact that their EOL
transactions will fall under the Master Agreement's terms and conditions?

Let me know if I need to contact them. Thanks,


---------------------- Forwarded by Matilda Machado/CAL/ECT on 03/09/2001
08:31 AM ---------------------------
From: Karen Lambert on 03/08/2001 03:32 PM CST
To: Matilda Machado/CAL/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: EOL Help Desk Question, CP ID 5177 SaskEnergy Incorporated,
Global Contract 96013849

Yes, she is working with Tana Jones in Legal regarding New York
jurisdictional issues (and others). You might want to touch base with Tana
in a few days while I am out.

Matilda Machado
03/08/2001 10:54 AM
To: Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: EOL Help Desk Question, CP ID 5177 SaskEnergy Incorporated,
Global Contract 96013849

Hi Karen,

Did you follow up with this counterparty yet? If not, I'll look after it. I
just don't want both of us calling her. Thanks.


From: Karen Lambert on 02/28/2001 03:57 PM CST
To: Matilda Machado/CAL/ECT@ECT
cc: Dianne Seib/CAL/ECT@ECT, Diana Andel/CAL/ECT@ECT

Subject: EOL Help Desk Question, CP ID 5177 SaskEnergy Incorporated, Global
Contract 96013849

FYI -- The counterparty question below includes reference to a Canadian
Physical Gas master contract for online trading. I am not certain which
other agreement they are questioning (online GTC? online ETA? other master
contract?). When I tried to contact the counterparty her voice mail states
that Debbie is out of the office until March 6th. At this point, I am unsure
if this is a purely "Canada gas" question or if they have questions that
cross-commodities and locations. No specific action is needed by your
group. I just want to make sure you are aware of any Canadian contract
issues. (There is an open EOL Help Desk ticket pending until this question
is resolved.) Please let me know if you have any questions or new
information that might help resolve this issue.

Thank you,

---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT on 02/28/2001 03:46
PM ---------------------------

Bryan Deluca@ENRON
02/27/2001 02:10 PM
To: Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Agreements

Yes, it can wait....thank you for your help!

From: Karen Lambert@ECT on 02/27/2001 01:31 PM
To: Bryan Deluca/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron

Subject: Re: Agreements

Hi Bryan,

Yes, we can help answer this question. I will be out of the office until
tomorrow. If it can wait, I'll get an answer then. If not, then please let
Kelly Lombardi know and she can help while I am out of the office.

Thank you,
(713) 853-0605

Bryan Deluca@ENRON
02/26/2001 02:20 PM
To: Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Agreements

Karen, is this something you can help me with (below)?

---------------------- Forwarded by Bryan Deluca/NA/Enron on 02/26/2001 02:20
PM ---------------------------

dbrown@saskenergy.sk.ca on 02/26/2001 01:49:24 PM
To: help@enrononline.com
cc: (bcc: Help)
Subject: Agreements

SaskEnergy has a Master Gas Purchase/Sale Agreement dated July 19,1995
executed with Enron. With respect to EnronOnline, it is not clear which
agreement or terms would prevail in the case of a difference between the 2
agreements. Could you please clairfy?

I can be reached at the above email or by telephone at (306) 777-9376 or
fax (306) 569-3522.